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In fact, many who but a little before had cheered the lion or cursed him for cowardice now prayed aloud for his victims. The noise was not without effect on the veteran Tamerlane. He surveyed the benches haughtily once, then set forward again, intent on Nilo. The movement, in its sinuous, flexile gliding, resembled somewhat a serpent's crawl. And now he neither roared nor growled.

CL. Lata a Nili ostiis, ad opidum Metacompsum Nilo adpositum, nunc Conzo, mill. c. Divisa fuit generatim in Superiorem, qua in Meridiem vergit, et Inferiorem, qua mari interno alluitur. Superiorem rursus Nilus dividebat in Libycam, qua Occidentem, et Arabicam, qua Orientem spectat. Hinc populi Arabagyptii, illinc Libyagyptii, dicti.

"She is safe, Your Majesty she is in the cell yonder." The Emperor's eye fell upon the carcass of the lion. "Thou didst it, Count?" "No this man did it." The Emperor gazed at Nilo, thus designated, and taking a golden chain of fine workmanship from his neck, he threw it over the black King's. At the door of the cell, he dismounted; within, he kissed the Princess on the forehead.

Saddened, and rather repelled, I went back to your uncle; but scarcely five minutes later a ringing cry from Spira's part of the house made us both start. We hastened to the spot, and beheld little Nilo stiff and blue in his father's arms his frame convulsed, and his throat emitting that kind of barking sound which accompanies violent croup. Basil, as he held him, looked the image of despair.

He stepped back, and raised a hand; and ere one of those standing by could so much as cry to God, Nilo, who, in the absorption of interest in his master, had followed him unnoticed Nilo, gorgeous in his barbarisms of Kash-Cush, sprang into the master's place.

Presently the person he had seen in the boat at the foot of the steps again issued from the passage, lamp in hand as before; but as he kept looking back deferentially, a gust leaped down, and extinguished the flame, compelling him to return; whereupon another man stepped out into the court, halting immediately. Nilo opened a little wider the gap in the curtain through which he was peeping.

And then I will propose the Brotherhood God help me! But it is for him to invite me. Patience, O my soul!" Extravagances! The exclamation helps us to an understanding of the style he was carrying before the public the silvering on his own black velvet robe, the jewels in Lael's coronet bursting with light, the gorgeous finish of the sedans, the barbaric costuming of Nilo.

His name was Nilo, and his tribe paramount throughout the uncivilized parts of Kash-Cush. More than fifty years before, prior, in fact, to my setting out for Cipango, I made the same tour, and found the king. He gave me welcome; and so well did he please me that I invited him to share my wanderings.

He writhed, and into Nilo's ears pitiless if they had not been dead poured screams for mercy. Then Sergius reached out, and caught him. Nilo made no resistance. When he could free his eyes from the cloak he looked at the rescuer, who, unaware of his infirmity, was imploring him: "As thou lovest God, and hopest mercy for thyself, do no murder!"

Such was the scheme; and he who looks at it with proper understanding must perceive it did not contemplate unnecessary violence. On this score, indeed, the Prince of India's significant reminder that he had found Nilo a savage, had led Sergius to redoubled care in his instructions. The first development in the affair took place under the King's eye. Waiting in ambush was by no means new to him.