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Gravediggers in Hamlet. Shows the profound knowledge of the human heart. Daren't joke about the dead for two years at least. De mortuis nil nisi prius. Go out of mourning first. Hard to imagine his funeral. Seems a sort of a joke. Read your own obituary notice they say you live longer. Gives you second wind. New lease of life. How many have-you for tomorrow? the caretaker asked.

You have not found four terms in my premises, nor charged my major or minor with the least fault in matter or form, and yet, forsooth, you deny the conclusion, and do not admit that incontrovertible maxim in logic, Ex veris nil nisi verum; or, as Kekerman hath it, Ex veris præemissis falsam conclusionem colligi est impossibile, —It is impossible that a false conclusion should be gathered from true premises.

That action meant minutes gained; these minutes might mean life. The tide was with him now. But for that, and this merciful mist, his chances would be nil. His ears behind him, he swam like a hunted otter. Aboard the privateer things were moving fast. The confusion abated; order began to reign; with it the danger grew. Somebody was at work with an axe on the door. It came down with a crash.

And so with regard to Macaulay's style there may be faults of course what critic can't point them out? But for the nonce we are not talking about faults: we want to say nil nisi bonum.

Could he not distinguish betwixt subjection and obedience? Art thou a Doctor in Israel, and knowest not these things? Nil, art thou a Conformist, and knowest not what thy fellow Conformists do hold? Sect. 13.

The legislature of Georgia offered a reward for $5,000 to any one who would kidnap him and deliver his body within the limits of the state. With one voice the entire South cried out that the Liberator must be suppressed. Later it became clear that Garrison's part in the Nat Turner rebellion was nil.

Grant her mature sense and a reflective mind, was that any reason why she should probe subtly the natural appearance of her friend, and attribute to him that which he gave no sign of harbouring? Why must she be mysteriously conscious of his inner being, rather than take him ingenuously for what he seemed? She had instruction and wit, but she was only a girl; her experience was as good as nil.

There is a great deal to be said against this doctrine, even as a question of logic or metaphysic; but apart from that, the theory is out of court, for the all sufficient reason that its practical value is nil knowledge of the great Universal Good in the abstract is of no practical use whatever in everyday life, which is a fundamental point for us.

I find them at the age of seven months the same as when I saw them at their birth. The egg supplied the materials necessary for their tiny frames; and, as the loss of waste substance is, for the moment, excessively small, or even nil, additional plastic food is not needed so long as the wee creature does not grow. In this respect, the prolonged abstinence presents no difficulty.

I see, too, the admirable wisdom of our system: could there be a finer balance of power than in a community where men intellectually nil, have lawful vantage and a gold- lace hat on? How soothing it is to intellect that noble rebel, as the Pilgrim has it to stand, and bow, and know itself superior!