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Nigh's I could find out, he'd given up preaching by the request of the doctor and his last congregation. He had a notion that he was a mighty hunter afore the Lord, like Nimrod in the Bible, and he'd come to the Old Home to bag a few gross of geese and ducks. His sister was an old maid, and slim, neither of which failings was from choice, I cal'late.

He told me this mornin'. Well, then, if he and Maud love each other, thinks I, what right have I to say they shan't be happy, especially as they're both willin' to wait? Why should I say he can't at least have his chance to make good? Nigh's I could make out the only reason was my pride and the big plans I'd made for my girl.

I'm Jimmie Kelly, says he." "Well, by mighty!" exclaimed the depot master, slapping his knee. "So HE was the Kelly man! Humph!" "Funny how it turned out, wa'n't it?" said Barzilla. "Course, Cap'n Jonadab was perfectly sat on spiritu'lism and signs and omens and such after that. He's had his fortune told no less'n eight times sence, and, nigh's I can find out, each time it's different.

He was killed in an auto accident, drunk at the time, I cal'late. Nigh's I can gather he's been drinkin' pretty heavy for the last six or seven years. Always lived high, same as his kind generally does, and spent money like water, I judge but goin' down hill fast lately. His voice was givin' out on him and he realized it, I presume likely.

Pretty nigh's good as me. Well, so-long, Jack. I I kind of wish you was buildin' a new house yourself." Corliss, standing with his hand on the neck of Sundown's horse, smiled. "Arizona's a man's country, Sun." "She sure is!" said Sundown, throwing out his chest. "And lemme tell you, Jack, it's a man's business to get married and settle down and raise more of 'em.

How much, think likely?" "Oh, I don't know. Ten dollars, perhaps." "Um-hm . . . I see. . . . Well, that's pretty good, considerin', I suppose. . . . We did first-rate on that Hyannis school-house contract, didn't we. Nigh's I can figger it we cleared over fourteen hundred and eighty dollars on that."

"You knows me, who I am an' whum I cum f'um, nigh's well's I knows who you is, I reckon, Maje' Vanrevel?" "Yes, yes, I know. Will you tell me who sent you?" "Miz Tanberry, suh, dat who sended me, an' in a venomous hurry she done de same!" "Yes. Why? Does she want me?" Mamie emitted a screech. "'Deed she mos' everlas'in'ly does not! Dat de ve'y exackindes' livin' t'ing she does not want!"

Young Jarge bent stiffly and tapped the seams, inside and out, much as a veterinary surgeon runs his hand over a horse's legs. "Ya-a-is," he confirmed, and sat down on the stem of the old boat. "'Er's very nigh's ole 's what us be," he added, after a pause, and began shredding some tobacco into the palm of his hand. Ole Jarge nodded. Then he lifted his head quickly.

"Humph!" he muttered. "There's more 'knows' in that than there is knots in a snarled fish line. You want me as a witness, nigh's I can make out. Is that it?" "Yes, sir. Will you go with me right off?" "Right off, eh? Can't it wait till after supper?" "I I don't want any supper.

Seems over here at the female college you know where I mean they're teachin' a new course that they've christened Domestic Science. Nigh's I can find out it is about what our great gran'marms larned at home; that, with up-to-date trimmin's.