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Some day you'll peep in here languidly and find me in such an attitude of piety presenting my bent back to you as I niggle over some interminable botch that I shall give cruelly on your nerves and you'll just draw away, closing the door softly. You'll be gentle and considerate about it and spare me, you won't even make me look round. You'll steal off on tiptoe, never, never to return."

'I'll tell you, Innes said, slowly; 'I won't niggle about it. The people of this place idiots! are unable to believe that a man and a woman can be to each other what we are. 'Yes? said Madeline. She paused beside the parapet and looked down at the indistinct little fields below, and the blurred masses of white wild roses waving midway against the precipice.

Margaret thought she had seen the worst, and was sighing at being able to say nothing for it, when Miss Winter confounded her by turning a leaf, and showing it was possible to make a still wilder combination of scramble, niggle, scratch, and crookedness and this was supposed to be an amended edition!

The world to two-pence he was ne'er at Paris. Perdition stop my vitals, now or never I'll niggle snugly into Juno's favor. My person oh, immense, upon my honor. "Sim. There is a fine gentleman for you, In the very pink of the mode, with not a single article about him his own, his words pilfered from Magazines, his address from French valets, and his clothes not paid for. "Macd. But pray, Mr.