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There was in Nigel something that attracted her physically, that attracted her at certain moments very strongly. In the life that was to come she must sweep away all interference with that. "And some day," he said, "some day I shall take you to see night fall over the Sphinx, the most wonderful thing in Egypt and perhaps in the whole world.

"What said you?" asked Van der Kemp, putting his head through the hole. "Hi! I's a-comin', look out, dar!" hallooed Moses in the opposite direction. "Just so," said Nigel, resuming his quiet tone and demeanour, "we'll be all right when the light comes. Here, give us your hand, Van der Kemp."

Lady Alanby was polite to both of them, but she gave Nigel a rather sharp glance through her gold pince-nez as she greeted him. "Janey and Mary," she said to the two girls nearest her, "I daresay you will kindly change your chairs and let Lady Anstruthers and Miss Vanderpoel sit next to me."

In that case" she reached out a long arm for the bread "Fate does not as a rule give you much time in which to make up your mind; she pushes you into something which you hate like hell for the rest of your life." "You aren't very cheerful," remonstrated Joan. "Oh, well, I never am that," agreed the other, "nor polite. You ask Miss Nigel if you want a true estimate of my manners.

Nigel shook his head sadly. "It is sooth you say, archer, and indeed it is no new thing, for that good knight Richard of the Lion Heart met his end in such a lowly fashion, and so also did Harold the Saxon. But this is a private matter, and I would not have you draw your bow against him. Neither can I ride at him myself, for he is weak in body, though dangerous in spirit.

I may not say." "Oh, in sooth!" She tossed her fair head and rode onward in silence, with compressed lips and angry eyes. Nigel glanced at her in surprise and dismay. "Surely, Edith," said he at last, "you have overmuch regard for my honor that you should wish me to break the word that I have given?" "Your honor belongs to you, and my likings belong to me," said she.

The old usurer commenced a maundering sort of apology, in which all that Nigel distinctly apprehended, was a frequent repetition of the word consideration, and which did not seem to him to require any other answer than a reiteration of his command to him to leave the apartment, upon pain of worse consequences.

The instant her brother and Nigel were on board, she gave it a dexterous turn, and the canoe shot away from the shore, impelled by the strokes of two lads who formed the crew. Nigel and an Indian seized two other paddles, and with all their strength urged on the canoe.

"Fortunately we are both free, and we can set our peasants an absolutely respectable example. You shall be farmer and I will be housewife. Nigel, it is an inspiration." He bent over her fingers. "I wonder," he murmured, "if there is good enough left in me to make it worth your while." Late that afternoon another caller thundered at the door of the house in Berkeley Square.

With Agnes still leaning on his arm, Nigel obeyed the summons of his impatient friend, and joined the group around the king.