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As the dusk drew down, the horse ceased grazing, sniffed the coming night, and nickered softly. Waring rose and led the horse to water, and, returning, emptied half the grain in the morral on a blanket. Dex munched contentedly.

Peter could vision the formidable ex-soldier lying dead in Jonesboro jail, with his little congressional medal on his breast. Some lighter portion of his mind nickered about here and there on trivial things. He observed a little hole rusted in the running-board of the motor. He noticed that the officer's eyes were just the same chill, washed blue as the winter sky above his head.

The horses were named Henry Clay and Dan. When the children went down I waved at the horses and they looked up at the window and nickered again and seemed to know me. When we were coming back from Texas, Maurice held on the plait of my hair all the way back. I didn't marry while I belonged to the Gano family. I married Henry Mason after I came to Lancaster to live about sixty years ago.

But you must be mad. And I am mad for listening to you. You insist on giving this murderer another chance. You as much as say that by giving him a second opportunity to kill John Adare you are proving your loyalty to Josephine and her father. Can that be anything but madness?" An almost gentle smile nickered over Jean's lips.

When Freckles nickered, the strange animal gave an answering whinny, but did not move. Puzzled and a little nervous, Mary glanced sharply to right and left amongst the scattered rocks. In her experience a saddled horse meant that the owner was not far away; but she could see no signs of any one, and at length, taking courage from the silence, she rode slowly forward.

"That's the way with you guys that do nothin' but chase a cow's tail over the country. You handle folks the same as stock rough stuff and to hell with their feelin's." "You're feelin' better," said Lorry. "Stand up and get to goin'." As Waco rose, Lorry's pony nickered. A rider was coming down the distant northern hillside.

He did not know that he was a very good-looking young man, but perhaps the Little Doctor did. She smiled and came up and patted Silver, who had forgotten that he ever had objected to her nearness. He nickered a soft welcome and laid his nose on her shoulder. "You've been drawing a picture. Who's the victim of your satirical pencil this time?"

There were a lot of shadows this close to twilight. Lamps twinkled in the Stronghold. A horse nickered from the corrals, was answered from the barn. Then a brayCroaker sounding off. From the hills came the far-off yip-yip-yip of a coyote. "Hey!" Anse stood up knee-high in the water. "What’s the matter?" Drew called. "Thought I saw somethin’ movin’ over there!"

Do you, Calamity, old girl?" Calamity Jane, which had at one time been the wickedest and stubbornest mare on the ranch, nickered and again rubbed Stella's hand with her nose. "Talk about your smart horses," said Stella. "Calamity can do everything except talk. Who's been riding her?" "Kit. He's wrangler, and he won't let any one on her. He's light, you know, and he was saving her for you.

But, doubtless, she had not heard what he said, for she was intent upon a huge piece of dried-prune cobbler. That afternoon she went out to the barn to get some hair for a slipping-noose. Kate, the raw-boned cultivator horse, standing idle in her stall, turned her head and nickered when she heard the door creak open, expecting a nibble of sugar-bread. But the little girl had nothing for her.