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Then he came to a halt, and, still not understanding his motives, he pointed his head toward the distant vehicle and sounded a shrill nicker. The effort brought disaster. He felt his young master slip out of the saddle, saw him totter and sink in a heap on the sand. And now he understood fully. Throwing up his head again, he awoke the desert with an outcry that racked his whole body.

The stars shone very brightly here, too, and every now and then there was the nicker of lightning, generally so slight that it was but pale; but now and then there was a flash which seemed as if the sky opened and displayed the shapes of the clouds, and these were like mountains, or might be the mountains themselves as far as he could tell.

Halting the pony, she held tightly to the reins through a short, tense silence. Then presently, from a point just ahead on the trail, came an answering nicker in the horse language. Sheila's pony cavorted nervously and broke into a lope, sharper this time in spite of the tight rein she kept on it. Her fear grew, though mingling with it was a devout hope.

The wind was blowing across half a continent. Sanders saddled, then rode out upon the mesa. He whistled sharply. There came an answering nicker, and presently out of the darkness a pony trotted. The pinto was a sleek and glossy little fellow, beautiful in action and gentle as a kitten.

Will be with you by 2 p.m." At three o'clock of that same day, I stood before Mr. Gryce. "I am here to make my report," I announced. The nicker of a smile passed over his face, and he gazed for the first time at his bound-up finger-ends with a softening aspect which must have done them good. "I'm ready," said he. "Mr.

Then he wanted to nicker in protest, but he found that he could not. He was too weak to utter sound. So he stood there, his eyes upon the little gray and her rider, watching them hurtling toward the grove.

'He will that, says I, and I saw the divots tumbling, and in he came assourying wi' two o' us, and us feart when he gied his great nicker o' a laugh, for fear he would be awakening the old folks, or rouse the dogs, although they kent him well enough, a rake like themselves." "Was he no' the auld devil?" says Dan with a laugh; "two o' ye, and the best-looking lassies in the countryside."

Yet she might help in some way. She wanted to be of some use to him in his undertaking. What could she do? Suddenly, as she sat there, seemingly powerless, there came a shrill nicker whipping across from the corral the voice of Pat. Like a flash she had it! Stephen would go into the cattle country she believed that.

Presently he saw them sweep into view again moving at a gallop, swinging across a wide plain that held them clear to his straining eyes saw them grow faint and fainter, small and ever smaller become a hazy speck on the horizon finally disappear from view in the engulfing dunes and vales of the surrounding desert. And now, weakened as he was, he sounded a forlorn, protracted nicker of protest.

But the man leaped aside, delivering as he did so another vicious blow, this time across Pat's nose most tender of places. Dazed, trembling, raging with the spirit of battle, he surveyed the man a moment, and then, with an unnatural outcry, half nicker, half roar, he hurtled himself upon his enemy, striking him down. But he did not stop here.