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But even these doubters were silenced when the great shower of shooting-stars appeared again in 1866, as predicted by Olbers and Newton, radiating from the same point of the heavens as before.

He also made lanthorns of paper to provide himself with light as he walked to school in the dark winter mornings. The only love affair in Newton's life appears to have commenced while he was still of tender years. The incidents are thus described in Brewster's "Life of Newton," a work to which I am much indebted in this chapter.

If a knife had been put to his throat, he would not have uttered a cry for mercy; but his silence was so involuntary that it seemed to him he did not breathe while Mrs. Newton was turning up the wick of the lantern for a good look at him. When the light was lifted to his face, Northwick felt that they both knew him through the disguise of his white beard.

Thus Ptolemy grew out of Hipparchus, Copernicus out of both, Kepler out of all three, and Newton out of all the four. Newton did not rise suddenly from the sea-level of the intellect to his amazing elevation. At the time that he appeared, the table-land of knowledge was already high.

But this conception of the ether to which we are led by Mach's way of thinking differs essentially from the ether as conceived by Newton, by Fresnel, and by Lorentz. Mach's ether not only conditions the behaviour of inert masses, but is also conditioned in its state by them. Mach's idea finds its full development in the ether of the general theory of relativity.

They always say hope's better than nothing." "It's about all we shall have left for Christmas, so we may as well build as much on it as we can." "I love building," said Newton. "I like to stand and watch a bricklayer just putting one brick on another and making the wall grow." "Perhaps you'll turn out an architect." "I'd like to.

We are forced to obey laws, to regard customs, to follow the fashion of the day, to support the worthless by poor-rates, to pay taxes, and the interest of a debt which others have contracted, or we must go to prison." "And the princes and rulers of the land do you include them?" inquired Newton.

I told her I did not know, and the idea had never before occurred to me: and she said, `Well, then, it is high time it did, and some to spare! Do all the people in Cumberland ask you such droll questions?" I said I thought not, but my Aunt Kezia did, often enough. "Well, she is a real curiosity!" said Miss Newton, and went away laughing. Brocklebank Fells, April the 10th, 1746.

"This is an invitation to our conversazione of to-morrow night, which you must do us the honour to accept. We shall have all the scientific men of the day, and a very pretty sprinkling of nobility, if not something more. However, you will see. Shall I tell Mrs Plausible that you will come, or will you disappoint her?" "Why," replied Newton, "if I possibly can I will.

No conversation passed during the walk to the inn, except an accidental remark of Nicholas, that it appeared to him that his brother was very busy. When they arrived Newton hastened to open the enclosure, and found in it the draft for £500, which his uncle had ordered to be filled up the day before.