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And again the big youth shook the ragged newsboy, causing the papers to fall to the sidewalk. "Why, it's Link Merwell!" murmured Dave to himself, and he stepped in the direction of the pair who were disputing. Merwell had his back to Dave and did not see him.

Frank Shaw was the son of the owner and editor of an influential daily newspaper in New York, Jack Bosworth was the son of a wealthy board of trade man, and Jimmie McGraw was a Bowery newsboy who had attached himself to Ned Nestor, his patrol leader, just before the visit to Mexico and had clung to him like a puppy to a root, as the saying is, ever since.

Five of the Owen County gang were at the depot, and they boarded every train, and had been doing it for two days. A newsboy gave me away, and told them where I was secreted. They all then remained on board and kept a regular watch over me until Louisville was reached. The train moves slowly through the city.

Across his words now the hoarse yell of an approaching newsboy smote upon my ears: "Extry speshul! Sixpence! German Army Corps in England! Speshul! Invashen er Sufferk! Speshul sixpence! German Army Corps sixpence! Invashen!" "By Jove!" I thought. "That's rough on our disarmament feature from Herr Mitmann!" I very well remember that that precisely was my thought.

"Maybe she has been held up," said the fireman. "That's more likely to happen to us," replied the engineer shortly. "No. 10 doesn't carry anything but the money the newsboy gets out of the passengers for peanuts and bum dime novels but we have something in that express car that's going to California and it's valuable." "I'm going to California," put in Jim mildly.

After we had paid a newsboy five cents for the "Mercury," and five more for the "Courier," we were at the end of our possibilities in the way of extravagance. At half-past one arrived the ferry-boat with a few passengers, mostly volunteers, and a deck-load of military stores, among which I noticed Boston biscuit and several dozen new knapsacks.

Quickly he released Bessie's wrist, and a moment later Norris would have had her out of the crush had not the arrival of another man in uniform created a diversion. This time it really was a policeman, and he came at the heels of the newsboy who had run after him. "Here's yer cop, mister! Now gimme the nickel!" said the boy shrilly to the farmer. "Run along!

"You remember I wrote you that they fired Mason, and that I was doing his work and mine, too?" "I I remember!" Cherry, seized by deadly nausea and chill, looked from a flower vendor to a newsboy, looked at the cars, the people- -she must not faint. She must not faint. "Well but where are you going? Home?" "I was going to the dentist a minute, but it's not important."

Oswald is nearly opposite the Custom-House when just before him that newsboy shrieks: "All about the murder of a young girl! Body found in the river! Police on track of the murderer!"

The young man who peddled the New Bedford "Standard" wanted to dispose of his route. Henry bought the route and advised with his mother afterward, only to find that she had sent the seller to him. Honors were even. His business was to deliver the papers with precision. Later he took on the Boston papers, also. This is what gave rise to the story that Henry Rogers was a newsboy.