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In 1836 the longshoremen in New York City struck for an increase of wages. Their employers hurriedly substituted non-union men in their places. When the union men went from dock to dock, trying to induce the newcomers to side with them, the shipping merchants pretended that a riot was under way and made frantic calls upon the authorities for a subduing force.

Presently Aunt Martha broke the spell just as I was about to eat a cut-glass vase in the gladness of my heart. "Go to the kitchen!" she said sharply to the newcomers, whereupon they both turned in unison and looked the old lady all over.

Jowett, and with her Miss Mary Dawson, and the party was complete. The Miss Watsons greeted the newcomers brightly, having met them on bazaar committees and at Red Cross work parties, and having always been treated courteously by both ladies. They were quite willing to sink at once into a lower place now that two denizens of the Hill had come, but Pamela would have none of it.

Did you kill any bears or Indians?" "Getting high-toned, hiring a carriage to bring you." So the cries rang out, as the three-seated carriage driven by Amos Darrison rolled up to the front of Putnam Hall. A crowd of cadets had rushed forward to greet the newcomers. "Where is Andy Snow?" asked Pepper, as he leaped to the ground. "He went past on horseback like a streak!" cried Bob Grenwood.

The moon had worked around into that quarter of the heavens that its light shone on the figure of Fred, who rose to his feet, as was his custom, and advanced a few paces to meet the newcomers. "Good evening!" he said. "How happens it that you are afoot at this time of night?" "Our horses ain't fur off," replied Cadmus; "the rest of the boys didn't think it worth while to trouble you."

Oliver disappeared in haste, and Josiah, with an apology to Miss Euphemia, followed him; while General Wolcott, casting off his hat and gloves, seated himself with Moppet on his knee, and Miss Bidwell appeared from the kitchen with fresh reinforcements of breakfast for the newcomers.

That these were also friends was evident from the fact that the larger band made no hostile demonstration, but quietly awaited the coming up of the others. The newcomers were three in number, and two of them bore on their shoulders what appeared to be the body of a man wrapped up in a blanket. "They've got a wounded comrade with them, I think," said little Trevor.

Then, too, experienced oil men and the large companies who had seen town-site booms in other states, kept away, surrendering the place to tenderfeet and to promoters. Of these, thousands came, and never was there a harvest so ripe for their gleaning. Naturally a little country town like this could not hold the newcomers, therefore Wichita Falls became their headquarters.

In the van of the newcomers were a rather comely, brown-eyed girl with a bright and cheerful expression of countenance, a dark beauty with curls and flashing eyes, and a demure but pretty girl to whom Lillie Nevins ran with exclamations of joy. This last was Grace Mason, the flaxen-haired girl's chum. "Oh, Nancy! how well you look," cried Laura, hugging the brown-eyed girl.

In his experience, the men of the mountains were a timid or a blustering lot before newcomers, uneasy, and anxious to establish their place. But these men acted as if meeting unknown men were a part of their common, daily experience. They were as much at their ease as social lions. Pollard was explaining the presence of Terry. "He's come up to clean out the varmints," he said to the others.