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If M'sieu' will give me another hearing it shall be my pleasure to explain fully." I rose and summoned the keeper. De Nevers bowed and offered his hand, which I took. "I have much to thank you for!" he repeated. As I hurried out of the room I encountered the keeper outside the door. "Say, Counsellor, what sort of a 'con' was he throwin' into you?" he inquired with a wink.

The pope ordered the prelates who had accompanied Nevers to remain in Rome and be tried by the Inquisition for misprision of heresy, but the duke placed them by his side and marched out of the Porta del Popolo with them, threatening to kill any man who should attempt to enforce the command. Meantime it became necessary to follow up the St.

This was the fatal point which the quick glance of Egmont had at once detected. As Nevers reached the spot, two thousand of the enemy's cavalry rode through and occupied the narrow passage. Inflamed by mortification and despair, Nevers would have at once charged those troops, although outnumbering his own by nearly, four to one.

For the sake of that past, and for dread of the future, he must go go from whence he could not again return, and Bobby Clyffurde remembering Grenoble, remembering Lyons, Villefranche and Nevers could not altogether suppress a sigh of regret for the brave man, the fine genius, the reckless adventurer who had so boldly scaled for the second time the heights of the Capitol, oblivious of the fact that the Tarpeian Rock was so dangerously near.

From among them he unfolded one written in French to Madame Marie de Nevers some weeks before. I translate: DEAR MARIE: Herr Schmidt informs me that his agent in the War Department at Washington, U.S.A., has secured some important information which will interest the Government for which Herr Schmidt is the agent of course you know who that is.

His presence being considered indispensable at this great ceremony, he had been summoned but recently from the camp on the frontier, where, notwithstanding his youth, the emperor had appointed him to command his army in chief against such antagonists as Admiral Coligny and the Due de Nevers.

I have had an ecclesiastical education from my youth, and you were bred up amidst the license of a camp." On the death of S. Martin, the people of Tours, tired of having a saint at their head, with proverbial fickleness chose Brice as his successor because rich he was said to have been the son of the Count of Nevers and because he was anything but a saint.

He had scarcely finished when a flash like lightning stabbed the darkness and came very near to stabbing him. It was the sword of Nevers, who was thrusting wildly before him into the gloom, while he cried: "Not a word! You have insulted a woman!" Lagardere beat a rapid retreat for a few paces, and called to him: "I apologize humbly, abjectly. I kneel for forgiveness."

The numerous convents among the trees on the first of the northern slopes, beyond the torrent those of the Carmelites, the Dominicans, the Assumptionists, and the Sisters of Nevers were coloured by a rosy reflection from the fire-like glow of the sunset.

Madame, to reject the child whom we believe to be the daughter of Nevers, you must have reasons grave indeed the strongest proofs. Have you such reasons, such proofs?" From behind the curtain a voice travelled to the princess's ears, murmuring, "Yes," and the princess repeated, "Yes," confidently. Gonzague drew himself up with a look of pain and sorrow. "I understand, madame.