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Tom never waited to see whether the ball was headed inside or outside of foul lines. He simply dropped his willow, then gave his best exhibition of the sprinting that he had learned in the spring. It was a fair ball that struck inside of left field. South's left fielder had to run in for the leather, which struck the ground, then rolled to one side. Thump!

We had never had much money; father had never cared for wealth measured in money; had always been richly content with his professor's salary; had never saved or asked me to save. When the thing happened, all we had in the world was a little over seven hundred dollars. I was right away for economizing, for managing, for turning to some other position. But father, I tell you, was in a perfect rage.

On entering the building, the first object that attracts the visitor is the life-size statue of Linnæus. To the left, a half-mile away, is the old cathedral a place that never much interested Linnæus. But there now rests his dust, and in windows and also in storied bronze his face, form and fame endure.

But that the gift may make the receiver a friend, it must be useful to him, because utility stamps on the memory the image of the gift, which is the food of friendship, and the firmer the impression, so much the greater is the utility; hence, Martino was wont to say, "Never will fade from my mind the gift Giovanni made me."

But there was, with many of these families, particularly with those who had retained their landed estates and were still living in their old family homes, an elegance which has never been rivalled in other parts of the country.

"You are no doubt aware, Mr. Kazallon, that these volcanic islands sometimes have a very transitory existence. Not impossibly, by the time it gets marked upon the maps it may no longer be here." "Never mind, my boy," answered his father, "it is better to give warning of a danger that does not exist than overlook one that does.

"I never saw a light there before What can it mean?" "Only some fishermen," said Godfrey. "But, brother, it is quite a storm," persisted Rosamond. "Only equinoctial gales, my dear." "Only equinoctial gales! But to drowning people it would be no comfort that they were shipwrecked only by equinoctial gales.

The terrible reader had gone back to his seat. "It was you, sir, I believe, who blotted the folio just now?" "It was, sir." "You did not do so on purpose?" "Most certainly not, sir! I am indeed sorry for he accident." "You ought to be. The volume is almost unique; and the blot, too, for that matter. I never saw such a blot!

I don't believe most girls would put themselves out this way for a dirty little boy!" said Stashie, complacently. "No INDEED!" chimed in Betsy. "It's just like a story, isn't it working and sacrificing for the poor!" "I guess he'll thank us all right for sure!" said Ellen. "He'll never forget us as long as he lives, I don't suppose."

"Are ill things then made after this fashion?" and Filippo answered, "Ay." Then said the son, "I know not what you would say nor why these are an ill thing; for my part, meseemeth I never yet saw aught goodly or pleasing as are these. They are fairer than the painted angels you have shown me whiles.