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"It warn't as foolish by a long shot, 'cause we war on the trail all the time, and kept it, while you've lost yours, and never'll be able to find it agin. We war so close more nor once that we reached their camp-fires afore the embers had died out and from the tops of two, three hills we got a glimpse on 'em on thar horses.

"I've got the snarling-est, flying-est hair," scolded she. "I never'll braid it again as long as I live; so there!" "Good!" cried Jimmy. "It has looked like fury ever since we came up here." Here Nate overtook the children. He had not been very social since the accident, but seemed now to want to talk. "How do you do, Jimmy?" he said: and Jimmy responded, "How d'ye do yourself?"

I prayed dat de good seed you's sowin' 'mong our people may lodge in good groun' an' bring a hundred fol'. De men you talked to on de bridge 'bout swearin' never'll forgit your words. You's doin' more for our poor, ignorant people dan you knows on." He lived about a year after I left Memphis, Tennessee.

Haggerty was presently astonished to see the artist produce his own key-ring. "What now?" "When Crawford went abroad he left a key with me. I am making some drawings for an Egyptian romance and wanted to get some atmosphere." "Uhuh." "Which key is it that unlocks a door?" asked Forbes, his eyes sparkling. "Never'll get that out o' your head, will you?" "Which key?" "Th' round-headed one."

'Fore mornin' he'll be up an' put for some banjin'-place he's got, an' then that silver'll be melted up an' you never'll see hide nor hair on 't again. One spell I thought mebbe he was goin' to build up a fire in the old fireplace an' melt it right then an' there; but John says 'tain't likely. Says you need more heat'n that to melt up silver." She paused for want of breath.

I know just how you feel never'll forget how utterly blank I felt when Jack Tabor just quietly packed his trunks and walked out! Why, I couldn't get hold of myself for months!" "Where is Miss Field?" Richard was looking for the demure blue gown and the bright head as they joined the young group downstairs. "She is not coming down, Richard," his mother explained. "Why not?" he asked, abruptly.

"You have let me think so," he said. "Now I suppose there's somebody else." "Oh, I shall never marry anybody," she answered quickly. "When a girl tells one man she never'll marry," retorted he bitterly, "there's sure to be another man in her mind." She felt herself burn with blushes to her brow; and then in very shame and anger to grow pale again.

That evening was spent by me in conversation with Louis. Next morning at the breakfast table the subject of the poor lamb was not broached, and directly after, when the stage came along, Mr. Benton took it to go to the village on business. "There," said Aunt Hildy, "he never'll step on to this door-sill again but I would'nt throw a horseshoe after him if I knew it would be good luck.

She tried to speak for his ear alone, but her voice strove petulantly through her sobs: "Elvin Drew, I should think you'd be ashamed of yourself! You've made me ridiculous before the whole town, and I never'll speak to you again as long as I live. If I hadn't stayed with you every minute, I should think you'd been drinking, and I believe to my soul you have!"

Who knows but she's gone and spent that money, and my grandmother never'll know what's 'come of it?" This possibility was very alarming. "Jennie Vance doesn't seem to have any little whisper inside of her heart, that ticks like a watch; but I have. My conscience pricks; so I know that perhaps it's my duty to go and tell." Dotty drew herself up virtuously and looked in the glass.