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"You have nevare played will you do me a littl' favor?" "What is it?" said Georgy, blushing again. Mr. Kirsch was at work for his part at the rouge et noir and did not see his young master. "Play this for me, if you please; put it on any number, any number." And she took from her bosom a purse, and out of it a gold piece, the only coin there, and she put it into George's hand.

Kate paused, hitched one shoulder to her ear, spread out her hands, and elevated her eyebrows in ridiculous mimicry of Mademoiselle's mannerisms. "Did she evare neglect her work? Jamais, nevare! Did she evare forget that she was a jeune fille, and be'ave like a vild, rough boy? Jamais, jamais! Was she evare like these Engleesh rude, impairtinent, disobedient? Mais non!

"Ah! monsieur, nevare! nevare it vill do. Ah! ver doll. It is like von assemblee of le Quaker." "I am determined to endure it no longer." "But what can monsieur do? How, capitaine?" "By leaving this accursed place, and that to-morrow." "But is monsieur fort? strongs beau-coup? strongs to ride?" "I will risk it, Gode. If I break down, there are other towns on the river where we can halt.

"You have been drink," she said, and she stopped her work of freeing him. "What'd wet your eye no more," he answered. She stood up. "I will not," she said, pointing to the shackles, "if you drink some more nevare some more nevare!" "Divil a drop thin, darlin', till we fly our flag yander," pointing towards where he supposed the town to be. "Not till then?" she asked, with a merry little sneer.

"You take the House of Assembly an' Govement House take King Street and Queen Street, an' I'd like to know whar you'll find a better show any whar on airth." "Sais pas," said Margot; "nevare see Boston. Mais vous you nevare see Paris so we are not able to compare."

Then turning to Bob and I, who were sitting on each side of him, and Rollo, who stuck close to him, as if under the idea that having saved him he was now his property "And much thanks to you, little Englishmen, and your dogs I vill nevare forget, no nevare!" He couldn't speak English as well as French.

The indefatigable Enriquez followed me. "Won't this do?" I asked meekly. "It ees better for you arrive not on the ground," he said cheerfully; "but you should not once but a thousand times make trial! Ha! Go and win! Nevare die and say so! 'Eave ahead! 'Eave! There you are!" Luckily, this time I managed to lock the rowels of my long spurs under her girth, and she could not unseat me.