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He now stood before her with his hat in one hand and the other hand on his heart. "Pardon, mees," he said, with a bow. "Eet is too periloss. I sall go down eef you 'low me to mak ze attemp." "Oh, monsieur," cried Ethel, "save her if you can!" "Do not fear. Be calm. I sall go down. Nevare mine." The stranger now turned to the drivers, and spoke to them in their own language.

You will nevare forget to recommend de hotel? Nokes. Thank you, thank you; you're a sensible old woman. [Aside] She evidently sees no absurd disproportion in our years. Breakfast, breakfast! déjeûner

Johnson, do say, in dat amusing little vork of his, de Pronouncing Dictionnaire; and, derefore, I vill not say ver moch to de point. Ven I vas a boy, about so moch tall, and used for to promenade de streets of Marseilles et of Rouen, vid no feet to put onto my shoe, I nevare to have expose dat dis day vould to have arrive.

"You have been drink," she said, and she stopped her work of freeing him. "What'd wet your eye no more," he answered. She stood up. "I will not," she said, pointing to the shackles, "if you drink some more nevare some more nevare!" "Divil a drop thin, darlin', till we fly our flag yander," pointing towards where he supposed the town to be. "Not till then?" she asked, with a merry little sneer.

"There's something sweet and touching in this melancholy music, I like it, Mr. Gusher," she said, pausing and looking up in his face tantalizingly; "don't you?" Mr. Gusher shook his head disapprovingly, and shrugged his shoulders. "No, no, miz; I nevare like ze funeral music. I go to ze funeral of my friend wiz music like zat." "I am very sorry to hear you say so, Mr. Gusher.

'She may look and look, they say, 'but he will nevare kom back! And at last her child die." "Oh, God," said Cardo, "Valmai to suffer all this and I not with her!" "Where wass you, then?" said Shoni, "and why you not kom back?" "Because I was ill in hospital. I caught typhoid fever, and I had concussion of the brain, and I lay unconscious for many long weeks, nay, months.

Oh, people lose deir way dere so bad, sometimes dey nevare return no more. People that's lost in de wood dey come back if dey live, but them that's lost at sea nevare. Oh, I was damn scared. Oh, mon Dieu! what is 44° 40' north and 63° 40' west? Is dat de conetry were people who are lost at sea go to? Boys, is there any rum on board? and they said there was a bottle for the old lady's rheumatis.

"Ah, petite!" she said, gravely, and almost sorrowfully, "if you love him, wait for him, don't marry another. It is dreadful not to have one's heart go with one's duty." "I shall never marry anybody," said Mary. "Nevare marrie anybodie!" said the lady, imitating her accents in tones much like those of a bobolink.

Oh, jâr i!" said Shoni, taking off his hat to scratch his head, "there's a pity now. Essec Powell will nevare be willing for that; but nevare you mind, you kom. Here's Valmai." Cardo was nowhere to be seen. "I asked my uncle, sir," she said, "but I am sorry to say when he heard you were the Vicar's friend he was not willing, but he did not say no."

The quick eye of the grand duke at once espied Prince Adalbert running to field a ball. "Ach, he is zlimmer!" he said in a tone of satisfaction. "Zlimmer? He is zlimmer, your Highness. Id iz zat leedle she-devil-child. She nevare nod nevare leds 'im be steel. All ze day she makes 'im roosh and roosh. He haf nevare no breath in hees loongs nod nevare!" "Ach, zo?" said the grand duke calmly.