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A couple of Buenos Ayrean privateers were riding at anchor in the bight just below the windows, manned, as I afterwards found, by Americans. The President, in his quiet way, after contemplating them through his glass, said, "Ces pavilions sont bien neuf."

I did not see the three objects which a popular saying alleges are always to be met on the Pont Neuf: a priest, a soldier, and a white horse. The weather was hot; we were tired, and did not care to go to the theatres, if any of them were open.

"Jacques!" cried one. "The Army of the Loire!" "Eh! mon vieux, it has come then at last! I told thee! I told thee! To-morrow to-night who knows?" "Is it true? Is it a sortie?" Some one said: "Oh, God a sortie and my son?" Another cried: "To the Seine? They say one can see the signals of the Army of the Loire from the Pont Neuf."

M. Gougenot found there the former seals of the King, M. Gougenot threw the seals into the river, one from above the Pont Neuf, and the other from near the Pont Royal. such as they were before the Assembly had changed the inscription.

"This little difficulty is only temporary, and I have provided for the future. My expenses henceforth will be no more than two thousand four hundred francs a year, rent inclusive, and I shall have the money. Above all, Betty, not a word to Hector. Is he well?" "As strong as the Pont Neuf, and as gay as a lark; he thinks of nothing but his charmer Valerie."

The sergeant's cab led the way, and the driver, instead of turning back towards the Pont Neuf, followed the line of the quays along the southern bank of the Ile de la Cité; passing the Morgue a mass of sinister shadow; passing the Hôtel Dieu; traversing the Parvis Notre Dame; and making for the long bridge, then called the Pont Louis Philippe, which connects the two river islands with the northern half of Paris.

It is quite unlikely that she bothers about Picard at all. "Louise! Rue de Brissac!" is the sole thought of her whirling little brain, as she speeds on. Just where is the Frochards' cellar door? Certainly she has never noticed it in her frequent searches of the Pont Neuf district.

Really, short of marrying a china ornament, I should find it difficult to choose better. At this moment enters M. Kangourou, clad in a suit of gray tweed, which might have come from La Belle Jardiniere or the Pont Neuf, with a pot-hat and white thread gloves. His countenance is at once foolish and cunning; he has hardly any nose or eyes. "You speak French, Monsieur Kangourou?"

So we threaded our way along the narrow thoroughfares of the Ile de la Cité, and came presently to an Omnibus Bureau on the Quai de l'Horloge, overlooking the Pont Neuf and the river. Here the first thing we saw was a flaming placard setting forth the pleasures and attractions of the great annual fête at Courbevoie; a village on the banks of the Seine, a mile or two beyond Neuilly.

Mazarin endeavored to circulate among the people a report that troops had only been stationed on the quays and on the Pont Neuf, on account of the ceremonial of the day, and that they would soon withdraw.