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All the tenants in the Arcade of the Pont Neuf extolled the affection, the tranquil happiness, the everlasting honeymoon of the married pair.

Before we quit the Pont Neuf, I must relate to you an adventure which, in the year 1786, happened to our friend P , who is now abroad, in a situation of considerable trust and emolument. He was, at that time, a half-pay subaltern in the British army, and visited Paris, as well from motives of economy as from a desire of acquiring the French language.

The unloading was still going on; heavy tumbrels, discharging their contents as though these were so many paving-stones, added more and more waves to the sea of greenery which was now beating against the opposite footways. And from the far end of the Rue du Pont Neuf fresh rows of carts were still and ever arriving. "What a fine sight it is!" exclaimed Claude in an ecstasy of enthusiasm.

The old chapel-master lived on the fourth floor, and enjoyed a fine view of the Seine from the pont Neuf to the heights of Chaillot. The good soul was so surprised when the countess's footman announced the visit of his former scholar that in his stupefaction he let her enter without going down to receive her.

She was walking up and down the Rue Mazarine with her baby at her breast. It became necessary for the professor to turn his back on the veteran soldier who guards against the possibility of a Parisian passing over the bridge without paying the toll. Two roads were open to him: the Pont Neuf and the Pont Royal. Curiosity makes one lose more time in Paris than anywhere else.

Really, short of marrying a china ornament, I should find it difficult to choose better. At this moment enters M. Kangourou, clad in a suit of gray tweed, which might have come from La Belle Jardiniere or the Pont Neuf, with a pot-hat and white thread gloves. His countenance is at once foolish and cunning; he has hardly any nose or eyes. "You speak French, Monsieur Kangourou?"

Its waters are united at the Pont Neuf, on which stands the statue of Henry IV. looking towards the Louvre, which he founded.

When I was in full training as a flaneur, I could stand on the Pont Neuf with the other experts in the great science of passive cerebration and look at the river for half an hour with so little mental articulation that when I moved on it seemed as if my thinking-marrow had been asleep and was just waking up refreshed after its nap. So the reader can easily account for the interval of silence.

Hence was a view of the Temple of Commerce rising above the water, on that part of the Seine comprised between the Pont National and the Pont Neuf. The quays on each side were full of people; and the windows, as well as the roofs of all the neighbouring houses, were crowded beyond conception.

In the Boulevard Neuf a building near the Barriere d'Enfer suddenly sank into a hole 80 feet deep, and this drew public attention to the danger. Until the end of the reign of Louis XVI the principal burying-ground of Paris had been the Cemetery of the Innocents.