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They must all unite to "grasp the nettle" before it was "too late." The tallest and strongest and most regarded of all the children of the Food were the three sons of Cossar.

Everyone admits that from the outset his position was one of great difficulty, but he increased it greatly by his practical refusal to grasp the nettle. He was not ambitious of power, but, on the contrary, longed for his quiet retreat at Haddo. He was on the verge of seventy and was essentially a man of few, but scholarly tastes.

"The strawberry grows underneath the nettle, And wholesome berries thrive and ripen best Neighbour'd by fruit of baser quality;" It having been the common notion that plants were affected by the neighbourhood of other plants to such an extent that they imbibed each other's virtues and faults.

He would have passed her without a word, but the woman, armed with the nettle of a small triumph over the man who held her in contempt, could not forbear piercing him as he passed. "Hieing away to excite your disappointment further?" she said. "Has the forlorn lady convinced you, yet, that she is indeed your wife?" "Had I that two hundred talents, I would confess her!" he declared.

We take our pleasures differently; mine are spontaneous, and I know nothing about translating the rank smell of a nettle into the fragrance of a rose, and then enjoying it. Mr. Meredith's conception of life is crooked, ill-balanced, and out of tune. What remains? a certain lustiness.

Others, such as C. Europaea, attack by preference hemp and nettle. Finally, certain species are unfortunately indifferent and take possession of any plant that will nourish them. Of this number is the one that we are about to speak of. Attempts have sometimes been made out of curiosity to cultivate exotic species.

Trotter's calm and deliberate tones were beginning to nettle the other man a little. "Then it hasn't actually been done?" "No!" "Yet you know it IS to be done?" "Yes!" Pyott was smiling by this time, quite broadly. "Would you kindly tell me just how you know all this? Just what first opened up the road to your somewhat startling knowledge?" "Some turkey bones!" "Ah, I see! Some turkey bones!"

"And is there never any nonsense in conversation?" "What have you here?" continued Mrs. Freke, who did not choose to attend to this question; exclaiming, as she reviewed each of the books on the table in their turns, in the summary language of presumptuous ignorance, "Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments milk and water! Moore's Travels hasty pudding! La Bruyere nettle porridge!

But still retaining her prejudice against the presence of food in her bed-chamber, she lifted up the waiter in both hands to cany it out into the passage, turned and stood face to face with Black Donald! Out of this nettle, danger, I'll pluck the flower, safety! Capitola's blood seemed turned to ice, and her form to stone by the sight! Her first impulse was to scream and let fall the waiter!

He had chosen to grip the nettle danger, and he knew that gentle measures were no longer possible. He must enlist Colonel Sullivan, or but it has been said that he was one hardened by long custom, and no novice in dealing with the lives of men.