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Nesbit was not more than twenty-five, very small, with a pleasant, ugly face; she had very bright eyes, high cheekbones, and a large mouth: the excessive contrasts of her colouring reminded one of a portrait by one of the modern French painters; her skin was very white, her cheeks were very red, her thick eyebrows, her hair, were very black.

Then a distinct hiss was heard, and a second later the entire sophomore class hissed Miriam Nesbit. Miss Thompson rose, thinking to call the house to order, but sat down again, shaking her head. "They know what they are about," she said, for Grace herself did not know the game any better than the principal. "It was inexcusable of Miriam, inexcusable and intentional.

I ain't sayin' that this feller with the uniform on didn't do all right in hittin' Lum, but what we wants t' find out is who winged him in the wrist." "I think, gentlemen, that the second shot was fired through the window. I am quite certain that it was. I sat near the window and the report of the weapon seemed to be behind me," Anne Nesbit informed them.

Lawson was aware that through him Philip had become very friendly with Norah Nesbit and now remarked that he had run across her a few days before. "She was asking how you were." Lawson, who now spent most of the year in London, had so far surrendered to his environment as to wear his hair short and to dress himself in a neat serge suit and a bowler hat.

"What have we ever done that we should be so neglected?" said David Nesbit, swinging himself from his motorcycle and landing squarely in front of Grace Harlowe and Anne Pierson while they were out walking one afternoon. "Why, David Nesbit, how can you make such statements?" replied Grace, looking at the young man in mock disapproval.

Theodora stepped out into the gallery, where Johnnie was often to be found curled up in the end window, poring over and singing to himself the "White Doe of Rylstone", which he had found among his uncle's books. She led him in, exhorting him not to be shy, and to speak out boldly in answer to Aunt Nesbit; but perhaps this only frightened him more.

Come right into my room and I'll mend it for you." So it happened that Grace was presently seated in an armchair in Mrs. Nesbit's bedroom, while the good-natured woman whipped together the jagged edges of the rent. "What a beautiful box you have, Mrs. Nesbit," said Grace, pointing to a large carved box on the dressing table. "Do you like it?" replied the other.

She answered their questions without embarrassment, and seemed quietly pleased at their demonstrations. "You are the child of the sorority now, Mabel," said Miriam Nesbit, "and we are your adopted mothers. You will have your hands full trying to please all of us." "Stop teasing her," said Anne, "or she'll run away before she is fairly adopted."

Make some allowance for poor things who don't know how to answer Mrs. Nesbit, and say what first occurs. Indeed, I did not know you were so much interested in him. 'I am interested in justice to the innocent. 'There! don't annihilate me. I know he is a very superior person, the pride of Lady Fotheringham's heart.

Both girls were handsome Miriam tall, dark and oriental-looking, with flashing eyes and an imperious curve to her lips; Grace was also tall, with wavy, chestnut hair, fine gray eyes, regular features, a full, generous chin and cheeks glowing with health. Miriam Nesbit had already done a good deal of lobbying when the three girls arrived on the scene.