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And she told her husband that she had never supposed Johnnie would come where it was so damp, for fear of getting his feet wet. Bobby Bobolink did not tell her that he had known all the time that a little water never troubled Johnnie Green so long as he didn't have to wash his face in it. EVERYBODY almost liked Bobby Bobolink. His neighbors in Farmer Green's meadow enjoyed his singing.

I had a long tail when I was young, and I was mighty glad to get rid of it." After he heard that, Peter felt better. But he didn't lose interest in tails, and he spent a great deal of time in wondering why some of his neighbors had big, bushy tails and some had long, slim tails and why he himself had almost no tail at all.

A door opened behind Lem, and a woman called him by name. He stepped into the kitchen, where two of his prairie neighbors were busy with the supper. It was Mrs. Luella Jenkins who had summoned him, kind, queer, warm-hearted Mrs. Luella. The "Keith boys" were giving their first dance, and she had undertaken to engineer the supper.

There Cynthia, who had scarcely left his side, read to him from Keats and Shelley and Tennyson yet the thought grew on her that he did not seem to hear. Even that wonderful passage of Milton's, beginning "So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed," which he always used to beg her to repeat, did not seem to move him now. The neighbors came and sat with him, but he would not often speak.

He now thought of getting back to his boat, and making his escape out of the reach of such dangerous neighbors; but curiosity was all-powerful with poor Sam. He hesitated and lingered and listened. By and bye he heard the strokes of spades. "They are digging the grave!" said he to himself; the cold sweat started upon his forehead.

Bowyer," said Rosamond, with one of her rare smiles. "But we are speaking very ill of our neighbors."

Once in the cars, he casts his eye around in uneasy expectation of finding some one or more of his neighbors bound on the same errand. While yet peering over the seats in front of him, he is unpleasantly startled by a slap on the shoulder, and, "Ah, John! bound East? What's in the wind? Any ducks in these days?"

"No, I don't say that," said Miss Clegg, "I'm only human after all an' I can't in conscience deny as I should like to see them as I don't like showed up just as much as any other man as is makin' a business of showin' up his neighbors, likes it. But I know I've got to live here an' it'd be very poor livin' for me after I'd aired myself by way of Elijah.

Her life was all bound up in housekeeping and going to church, and the petty little round of daily happenings to neighbors and friends. The world of thought and dreams to her was nothing. She loved her husband, but his foolish foibles vexed her, and his lack of application prompted her to chide him. And at such times he would turn to his friends at Dove Cottage for sympathy and rest.

Such a life, to such a woman, was particularly wearing. But Mrs. Ingersoll kept right at her work, always doing for others, until there came a day when kind neighbors came in and cared for her, looked after her household, attending this stricken mother tired out and old at thirty-one, unaware that she had blessed the world by giving to it a man-child who was to make an epoch.