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Dixon's amendment, which was lost; eleven voting for, and thirty-four against the proposition. The vote was then taken upon the bill to regulate the elective franchise in the District of Columbia. It passed the Senate, thirty-two voting in the affirmative, and thirteen in the negative.

He called the clerks in and introduced them to Mr. Richard as his managing partner. "Every dog has his day," said the old gentleman. "Mine has been a long one. Richard has saved the bank from a fatal error; Richard shall conduct it as Hardie & Son. Don't be disconsolate, Skinner; I'll look in on you now and then." Hardie junior sent back all the proposals with a polite negative.

Barrow, an eminent physician of Cambridge, having treated the child for two of the diseases of children, and without success, asked the mother and father if any witchcraft were suspected, he was answered in the negative. The Throckmortons were by no means quick to harbor a suspicion.

Hester Dethridge wrote: "I wanted eggs for the kitchen, and a breath of fresh air for myself." "Did Miss Silvester see you?" A negative shake of the head. "Did she take the turning that leads to the railway?" Another negative shake of the head. "She went on, toward the moor?" An affirmative reply. "What did she do when she got to the moor?"

His love-making indeed was so extraordinarily open and undisguised that it did not much matter who was by. And Helen was of that sweet negative nature that seemed made for the express purpose of playing "gooseberry." Directly they had departed, Mr. Roy came in. He might have been a far less acute observer than he was not to detect at once that "something had happened" in the little family.

He wondered dimly as he stood whether Thomson was there too, and walking unsteadily round the forecastle, roused the sleepers, one by one, and asked them whether they were Harry Thomson, all answering with much fluency in the negative, until he came to one man who for some time made no answer at all. The doctor shook him first and then punched him.

You want not only the negative absence of pain, but the positive presence of a tranquillising guest in your heart that conscience of yours testifying with you, blessing you in its witness, and shedding abroad rest and comfort. It is easy to kill a conscience after a fashion at least. It is easy to stifle it.

In so far, therefore, as there exists any lack of loyalty and coöperation of pupils toward their school, the reasons for such defection are to be sought first of all in the school, and not in the child. While this negative attitude of the pupils exists in some degree in all our schools, it is undoubtedly more marked in our rural schools than in others.

II. The results of textual criticism a kind of cleaning and mending are purely negative. By the aid of conjecture, or by the aid of conjecture and comparison combined, we are enabled to construct, not necessarily a good text, but the best text possible, of documents whose original is lost.

In the first place he inquired in a very loud voice of Captain Tuck, at the other end of the table, whether that gentleman had ever met the deceased Major-General Scully, and being answered in the negative, he descanted fluently upon the merits of that imaginary warrior.