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Thus we use 'shepherd' almost always in its primary meaning, keeper of sheep; while 'pastor' is exclusively used in the tropical sense, one that feeds the flock of God; at the same time the language having only the one adjective, 'pastoral, that is of necessity common to both.

"The Ingrams like most New Englanders did not come over in the Mayflower as the passenger list was full, neither do the Ingrams belong to that very large number of families who feel the necessity of saying, 'We have never had an unkind word in our home. Gertrude and I both have strong wills, and we often differ in opinions, but as often we agree to disagree.

And mark this! That supposing even that the whole surface of the earth had been accessible to the geologist, that man had had access to every part of the earth, and had made sections of the whole, and put them all together, even then his record must of necessity be imperfect. But to how much has man really access?

That immense mass of associations which answer to what are called physical laws, and which in the mind of the civilized modern have become almost organic, have not been formed in the mind of the savage; nor has he learned the necessity of experimentally testing any of his newly framed notions, save perhaps a few of the commonest.

These instructions coming to the knowledge of Piccinino, and perceiving the necessity of his speedy return, to leave nothing unattempted, he determined to engage the enemy, expecting to find them unprepared, and not disposed for battle.

Certain authors are never under the necessity of facing the alternative. Occasionally, by chance, a genius may be so fortunately constituted and so brilliantly endowed that he captures the public at once, prestige being established, and the question of compromise never arises. But this is exceedingly rare.

The necessity, therefore, of a controlling power is obvious; and why it should be withheld is beyond my comprehension."

For my own part, I have deliberately determined that I shall approve no bills which I have not examined, and it will be a case of extreme and most urgent necessity which shall ever induce me to depart from this rule.

The President may conclude treaties; but with regards to treaties of peace, and those effecting legislation, they shall not be valid, if the consent of the National Assembly is not obtained. Art. 71. The President may proclaim martial law according to law; but if the National Assembly should consider that there is no such necessity, he should declare the withdrawal of the martial law. Art. 72.

It probably came also from his circumstances at Rome and the necessity of refuting calumnies made against him on account of his race and religion. And with all his weaknesses and failings he was not lacking in a feeling of national pride, which must have moved him to defend his people.