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But the moment he began, he was too hot, and the moment he took breath he was ready to shiver. As long as he could stand, however, he would not give in. "How many years have you been gardener here?" he asked, forcing himself to talk. "Five an' forty year, an' I'm nearhan' tired o' 't." "The present lord is a young man, is he not?" "Ay; he canna be muckle ayont five an' thirty."

"Weel, ye see, Tibbie," answered Thomas, "it's nearhan' as ill for the like o' us to unnerstan' your blin'ness as it may be for you to unnerstan' oor sicht." "Deed maybe neyther o' 's kens muckle aboot oor ain gift either o' sicht or blin'ness. Say onything ye like, gin ye dinna tell me, as the bairn here ance did, that I cudna ken what the licht was.

He took oor sins upo' him, for he cam into the middle o' them an' took them up by no sleicht o' han', by no quibblin' o' the lawyers, aboot imputin' his richteousness to us, and sic like, which is no to be found i' the Bible at a', though I dinna say that there's no possible meanin' i' the phrase, but he took them and took them awa'; and here am I, grannie, growin' oot o' my sins in consequennce, and there are ye, grannie, growin' oot o' yours in consequennce, an' haein' nearhan' dune wi' them a'thegither er this time.

'Ow, he has a heap o' notions o' 's ain! answered Kirsty, who did not care, especially in his presence, to talk about her brother save to those who loved him. When Francis turned again, he saw Steenie a good way up the hill. 'Where does he want to take me, Kirsty? Is it far? he asked. 'Ay, it's a gey bitty; it's nearhan' at the tap o' the Horn, a wee ayont it.

The woman stopped. "What's yer wull, Maister Alec?" "Jist stan' there an' pu' this lassie oot. We're a' keepit in thegither, and nearhan' hungert." "The Lord preserve 's! I'll gang for the key." "Na, na; we wad hae to pay for that. Tak her oot that's a' we want." "He's a coorse crayter that maister o' yours. I wad gang to see him hangt."