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'Pull the canoes a little apart; they are too close for this new dance, he said, pausing for a moment. And the wolves separated them while he gave a series of little springs, sometime pirouetting while he stood with one foot on the prow of both. 'Now nearer, now further apart, he would cry as the dance went on.

He had believed that thought of Isobel and his memories of her would make him happier, even though he never saw her again. But in this he was mistaken. The wilderness does not lend to forgetfulness, and each day her voice seemed nearer and more real to him, and she became more and more insistently a part of his thoughts. Never an hour of the day passed that he did not ask himself where she was.

Indeed, he might here have established a good practice, and have comfortably supported himself and his companions; but he was anxious, for Dicky's sake especially, to return with him to the ship. There was no place, however, nearer than Cartagena, at which it was customary to exchange prisoners; and how to get to it, was the difficulty.

She would have cried out against the charge that Lutie had become an Influence! It was all right for Lutie to have an influence on the character of George, butthe thought of anything nearer home than that never entered her head.

You are so given to idealisation, and you may find yourself disappointed if you trust to depths that are not there. As to friendship, don't forget that she is, as yet, the merest acquaintance. 'One may feel nearer some people in a week than to others after years. 'As to being near in a week she doesn't feel near you; that is all I mean. Don't cast your pearls too lavishly.

Certainly it is not improbable that the governor, who had already taken action against the Bābī missionaries, should wish to observe the Bāb within a nearer range, and inflict a blow on his growing popularity.

Norcott's Brigade was nearer to its objective than either of the brigades which had preceded it, as it was lying south of Hart's Hill between the railway and the river; and although deprived of a considerable portion of his command by a demand for help which purported to have come from Railway Hill, he finished his task in three hours.

'Why, his Brother Mark could get him cleverly out of it could not he? wheezed the pork-butcher. 'More serious than you suppose, answered Larkin, with a shake of his head. 'It can't go beyond five hundred, or say nine hundred eh, at the outside? 'Nine hundred say double as many thousand, and I'm afraid you'll be nearer the mark.

Sir Robert was now shut out from his son's gaze by several men forcing themselves to the carriage door, and Frank was rising in his stirrups to try and catch another glimpse of him, when in the wild swaying about of the crowd his horse was forced nearer to Captain Murray, an eddy sending the captain fortunately back to him, so that their horses made an effort, and came side by side once more, snorting and trembling with fear.

"If the snow," said the doctor, "is appalling when it slips down the mountain, think what it is when it falls from the Pole!" His eye was glassy. The cloud seemed to spread over his face and simultaneously over the horizon. He continued, in musing tones, "Every minute the fatal hour draws nearer. The will of Heaven is about to be manifested."