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I scarcely think there can be another mountain whose ascent offers so many difficulties. After a labour of about three hours and a half we neared the summit of the mountain, where we were obliged to leave our horses.

The Saint wheeled as he neared his opponent and circled warily round him, keeping his eye on the spare place; while the dragon, adopting similar tactics, paced with caution round the same circle, occasionally feinting with his head. So the two sparred for an opening, while the spectators maintained a breathless silence.

Sergeant Hal Overton not only got out of the gully, but also satisfied himself that the slopes were not guarded. "As the gully looks like a natural trap, and the datto has at least four hundred men between himself and the gully, I suppose old Hakkut is not worrying a great deal," reflected Overton. Hal did not now trouble himself to move so stealthily, until he neared the American encampment.

This number seemed to satisfy the captain who, after counting heads, started off. Across the river, then into the bay that widened as it neared the ocean, the River Queen glided gracefully over to the little strip of land jutting out, with its clump of deep green pines, and the ever present picnic sign. "Isn't this lovely?" exclaimed Louise. "I am so sorry Julia had to go to the city."

The moon rose as we neared the land, and gave us sufficient light to distinguish objects, so that we might pick out a place into which we could run the boat. Seeing no fires or lights, we began to hope that we should not meet with natives; we therefore pulled in, placing Tubb ahead to look out for rocks.

Morton stopped glared at him with clenched hands and a smiling lip, sprung over his prostrate form, and bounded to his home. He slackened his pace as he neared the house, and looked behind; but Beaufort had not followed him.

There she could read the will attentively, and fix her resolution before entering the house. Trees and bushes screened her. She neared the summerhouse, and was at the very door before she perceived that it was occupied. There sat 'Arry and a kitchenmaid, very close to each other, chatting confidentially. 'Arry looked up, and something as near a blush as he was capable of came to his face.

Gareth-Lawless, it was said, must be renewed in some such mysterious morning way, as she merely grew prettier as she neared thirty and passed it. Women did in these days! Which last phrase had always been a useful one, probably from the time of the Flood.

At first we thought it to be a low bush, but as we gradually neared it, it had more the appearance of a rock, although nothing of the kind had been seen from the time we first came on the prairie, with the exception of those at the chasms. "A buffalo" cried Roche, whose keen eye at last penetrated the mystery: "a buffalo, lying down and asleep."

"I am afraid that I understand you," she said. "You have a good deal of the brutality of youth, Guy, and, I might add, of its credulity also. Whose word is it, I wonder, that you have taken so abjectly with such an open mouth? If I have enemies I have not deserved them. But, after all, it matters little." We did not speak again until we neared the junction. Then she began to gather up her things.