United States or Tuvalu ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I like the looks of this village. I should like to live here for a while." He walked up the street, crossing the bridge referred to by the postmaster, and looked carefully on each side of him for the cottage and shop. At length he came to a place which answered the description, and entered the yard. As he neared the shop he heard a noise which indicated that work was going on inside.

Leaving Borneo on our port bow as we neared the equatorial line, the ship was steered due west for the mouth of the Straits lying between the Malay Peninsula and the Island of Sumatra. While running off the Gulf of Siam we got our first view of a veritable water-spout. It was from four to five miles off our starboard bow, but quite as near as we desired it to be.

As he neared the top, he lifted his head and saw Piney and the pony outlined on the bald summit of the bluff. The boy made a trumpet of his hands and shouted to Bernique. "Hurry! For God's sake! So I cand talk to you!" Piney's was a reckless and impassioned young figure, cut out against the sky sharply, on a pony that danced like a dervish.

At first we thought it to be a low bush, but as we gradually neared it, it had more the appearance of a rock, although nothing of the kind had been seen from the time we first came on the prairie, with the exception of those at the chasms. "A buffalo!" cried Roche, whose keen eye at last penetrated the mystery: "a buffalo, lying down and asleep."

They went up, part of the way on their hands and knees, and then, though the slope was less steep, both of them hung back when they neared the crest of the divide. There was still a faint probability that their journey had not been futile, and they clung to it desperately.

The place was entirely deserted, and it looked for a few minutes as if they were going to have a very uncomfortable time, but as they neared the Quadrangle, the figure slipped away and was lost in the dense shadow of the trees that bordered the avenue.

"Yes; I want to be in at the death of Teall," agreed Reade. All in uniform the Central Grammars started down the street, though this time they did not march. As they moved along other boys joined them, some from the Central and others from the North Grammar. By the time that Dick's nine and substitutes neared the field more than a hundred fans trailed along with them.

Burke drew nearer to the girl. She seemed to falter, as she walked, and it was apparently with great effort that she neared the door of the big department store. Baxter was watching her stealthily now. "Oh!" she exclaimed desperately and keeled backward. Baxter's calculations were close, for he caught her in his arms. "Quick! Quick!" he cried to the big uniformed carriage attendant at the door.

I'm not tired. I was only thinking. It has been a queer day." "A queer day, my dear!" ejaculated Miss Belinda. "I thought it a charming day." "So it has been," said Octavia, which Miss Belinda thought rather inconsistent. Both of them grew rather restless as they neared the house. "To think," said Miss Belinda, "of my seeing poor Martin again!"

It was answered by a distant "Hallo!" and looking in the direction from which the answer had come, Walter saw a figure appear above some bushes some four hundred yards distant. The knight at once directed his steps in that direction, and Walter crept cautiously after him. "A pest upon these swamps and quagmires," the knight said angrily as he neared the other.