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One day, as the time for Neale's departure grew closer, Slingerland's quiet and peaceful valley was violated by a visit from four rough-looking men. They rode in without packs. It was significant to Neale that Larry swore at sight of them, and then in his cool, easy way sauntered between them and the cabin door, where Allie stood with astonishment fixed on her beautiful face.

The graders greeted this information with loud hurrahs. But when Anderson pointed out a large band of Sioux filing down from the hilltop the enthusiasm was somewhat checked. It was the largest hostile force of Sioux that Neale had ever seen. The sight of the lean, wild figures stirred Neale's blood, and then again sent that cold chill over him.

Neale's plans for the summer could not be wholly known until he had reported to the general staff, which might be at Fort Fetterman or North Platte or all the way back in Omaha. But it was probable that he would be set to work with the advancing troops and trains and laborers. Engineers had to accompany both the grading gangs and the rail gangs.

It was a smile with the shock of a bullet. It held Neale, so that when she crossed to him he could not move. He felt rather than saw Hough return to his side. The girl took hold of the lapels of Neale's coat. She looked up. Her eyes were dark, with what seemed red shadows deep in them. She had white teeth.

She felt that something important hung on there being a letter from Neale. She snatched at the handful of envelopes and sorted them over, her fingers trembling. Yes, there it was, the plain stamped envelope with Neale's firm regular handwriting. She felt as though she were a diver whose lungs had almost collapsed, who was being drawn with heavenly swiftness up to the surface of the water.

"I feel as though I had them all over me," groaned Agnes. "I know that will turn black and blue," said Lucy, pointing to the lump on Agnes' forehead. "And yellow and green, too," admitted Agnes. Then she giggled and added in a whisper to Ruth: "It will be as brilliant as Neale's hair was when he dyed it!" "Well, you showed us what you could do in the first heat, Aggie," said Pearl, cheerfully.

The two figures turned at the sound of footsteps, and came slowly in Neale's direction. Both recognized him and touched their hats. "I suppose you're looking round in search of anything about Mr. Horbury?" suggested Neale. "Heard any news or found any trace?" "Well, we're what you might call taking a preliminary observation, Mr. Neale," answered the policeman.

I gave them some food and water, but they were almost too far gone to eat. From thence, travelling south-easterly, we came upon the Neale's River, in forty miles.

"Do you remember that wild red-head cowboy Neale's friend when he said, 'I reckon thet's aboot all? ... I'll never forget him ... Lodge, say we have Lee and his friend Senator Dunn come in, and get it over. An' thet'll be aboot all!" "Thank Heaven!" replied the chief, fervently. He called to his porter, but as no one replied, General Lodge rose and went into the next car.

Then, too, there had been something said about Miss Neale's manuscript, in which his name was mentioned. He felt that he ought to examine the manuscript, and carry out, as far as he could, the wishes of the writer. These were the thoughts which came crowding into his mind during the drive home from Richmond. Meanwhile Mrs.