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I guess we may call dis meal breakfast jest as well as not, fer it's neah to dawn now." And the trio fell to voraciously, as he handed them each a steaming tin mug and an equally steaming plate. "You haven't been lonely, Dol, I hope, have you?" said Cyrus, as a whole flapjack, doubled over and drenched in sirup, disappeared down his capacious throat.

"Bury here a Northern soldier who has done me a very great honor." "Oh, Miss Lou, I des feared ter hab 'im so neah de cabin." "Hush!" said the girl, almost sternly. "Uncle Lusthah, you ought to teach mammy better than that." "Ah, youn' mistis, hit's bred in de bone. I des mourns ober my people, 'fusin' ter be comf'ted. Yere Aun' Jinkey, gittin' gray lak me.

He wuz a big man en wuz de strongest man neah dat part ob de kuntry. He wouldin' 'low nobody ter whup 'in. De Marster framed 'im by tellin' 'im ter bring his saddle hoss en w'en he kum wid de hoss several men 'peahrd en tole Fedd dat dey wuz gonna whup 'im. He struck one ob de mans so hahd dey had ter hab de doctuh. De Marster said let 'im 'lone he's too strong ter be whup'd.

"Neah!" cried the hag, furiously. "He dies in secret!" There was a silence of astonishment. Spite of their superstitious terror, the Senecas knew that a sacrificial death, to close Biskoona, could not occur in secret. Suddenly the chief leaped forward and dealt me a blow with his castete. I fell, but staggered to my feet again. "Mother!" began the chief, "let him die quickly "

"Well, uncle, what can I do for you?" It was Mark who spoke. "Well, sah, seein' as how I found a lettah addressed to you " "A letter?" "Yes, sah." The old darkey was fumbling with his hat, trying to withdraw the letter he had put away so carefully. "I found it down the street, sah, neah one of them thar big for'n houses." "Where?" The word was almost shouted as Mark jumped to his feet.

I went up w'at ez called de nine mile cut neah Tullahoma, en axed a 'oman ef she would let us hab sum bre'd. She gib me sum meat en bre'd, en tole me ter kum back. I went back home en we et sump'in, en I went back ter de 'oman's house, she gib me a sack ob flour en a big piece ob midlin' meat. We wuz skeered, bein' dere 'lone so I would set up wile mah br'ers slep', den I'd sleep in de daytime.

Neber knowed nothin' 'bout de slave mart er de 'structshun days." INTERVIEW MILLIE SIMPKINS "BLACK MAMIE" 1004 10th Avenue, No. Nashville, Tennessee I claims I's 109 ye'ars ole en wuz bawn neah Winchester, Tennessee. Mah marster wuz Boyd Sims en mah missis wuz Sarah Ann Ewing Sims. Mah mammy wus named Judy Ewing en mah daddy wuz Moses Stephens en he wus "free bawn."

"I went ter schul at Fisk a short time, w'en hit wuz neah 12th en Cedar, en a w'ile down on Chuch St. Mah teacher allus bragged on me fer bein' clean en neat. I didn't git much schuling, mah daddy wuz lak mos' ole folks, he though ef'n you knowd yo a, b, c's en could read a line, dat wuz 'nuff. En he hired me out. Dunno w'at dey paid me, fer hit wuz paid ter mah daddy." "I wuz hired ter a Mrs.

"He always had a belief that a rich alluvial gold-field would be discovered in the Banshee Creek country. He sent this particular prospecting party away nearly two months ago." "What a hawwid story about the murdered diggahs!" said Mr. Assheton to Myra. "Did it occur neah where you were living, Miss Graingah?" "About a hundred miles further westward, towards the Minerva Downs district.

"Numma tao, ookimow." "Gone!" exclaimed Adare. "He didn't want to disturb you last night," explained Philip. "He made an early start for the Pipestone." "If he was an ordinary man, I'd say he was in love with one of the Langlois girls," said Adare, with a shrug of his shoulders. "Neah, Metoosin! Make them comfortable, and we will all see them later."