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And yet," he continued, "it is my one ambition to interest you, and I will do it, or I will say my prayers no more." "But how can that be done no more, Which ne'er was done before?" I retorted, railing at him, for I feared to take him seriously. "There you wrong me," he said.

Farmer Eckerthy would acknowledge, astonished, his mind was running on cricket when I taxed him with it. 'Crops was the cart-load of my thoughts, Master Harry, but there was a bit o' cricket in it, too, ne'er a doubt.

"Nay, nay; don't say so, Thomas," said Jenny; "he'll think better of it; you'll see him back again in the morning. Don't fret, man; he's a good lad, and he'll turn up again all right, take my word for it. He'd ne'er have taken his Sunday shoes if he'd meant to drown or hang himself; he could have done it just as well in his clogs." But Johnson could not be comforted. "I must be going," he said.

She lay kicking and foaming, and uttering words too dreadful for human ears to listen to; and Grace Marks came out from her hiding-place, and performed a thousand mad gambols round her: and we turned from the piteous scene, and I, for one, fervently thanked God for my sanity, and inwardly repeated those exquisite lines of the peasant bard of my native county: "Oh, Thou, who bidd'st the vernal juices rise, Thou on whose blast autumnal foliage flies; Let peace ne'er leave me, nor my heart grow cold, Whilst life and sanity are mine to hold."

It began with some bars from an old Scottish song: "Had we never loved so sadly, Had we never loved so madly, Never loved and never parted, We had ne'er been broken-hearted." Insensibly the pathetic melody faded away into the staccato beat of a geisha's song, with more rhythm than tune, which doubled and redoubled its pace, stumbling and leaping up again over strange syncopations.

One moonlight evening I stood again before the statue of that grand patriot and statesman, Patrick Henry. My companions were Mrs. Frances Gawthmey, of Richmond, and Commodore Matthew F. Maury, a man whom the scientific world delighted to honor, and of whom it may be well said, "We ne'er shall look upon his like again."

"An' amongst the hundreds o' hands ye speak o'," returned Madge, "is there no a single head that can plot an' devise a plan to owrecome an' drive our persecutors frae the castle?" "I doot it at least I hae ne'er heard ony feasible-like plan proposed," said Florence, sorrowfully. Madge sat thoughtful for a few minutes, her chin resting on her hand.

The woodbine I will pu' when the e'ening star is near And the diamond draps o' dew shall be her e'en sae clear; The violet's for modesty, which weel she fa's to wear And a' to be a posie to my ain dear May. I'll tie the posie round wi' the silken band of love, And I'll place it on her breast, and I'll swear by a' above. That to the latest breath o' life the band shall ne'er remove.

The sentiment has been expressed in flowing numbers by our great commentator, Sir William Blackstone: "To Virtue and her friends a friend, Still may my voice the weak defend: Ne'er may my prostituted tongue Protect the oppressor in his wrong; Nor wrest the spirit of the laws, To sanctify the villain's cause."

From his ambrosial head, where perched she sate, He snatched the fury-goddess of debate: The dread, the irrevocable oath he swore, The immortal seats should ne'er behold her more; And whirled her headlong down, forever driven From bright Olympus and the starry heaven: Thence on the nether world the fury fell, Ordained with man's contentious race to dwell.