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The king must roam in banishment! the son Depart, an exile from his father's house, And turn his back upon his childhood's home! Oh, pleasant, happy land that we forsake, Ne'er shall we tread thee joyously again. LA HIRE returns, CHARLES, SOREL. SOREL. You come alone? La Hire! What news? What does that look announce? Some new calamity?

May masonry flourish until nature expire, And its glories ne'er fade till the world is on fire. The female friends of freemasons. May the brethren of our glorious craft be ever distinguished in the world by their regular lives; more than by their gloves and aprons. May concord, peace; and harmony subsist in all regular lodges, and always distinguish freemasons.

"I have a goat for him to ride, Observe me cast it far and wide." She then flung her arms about as if she were sowing seed, and turned round three times. Next Tony said, "If P. doth find it waiting here, Wilt ne'er again make me to fear?" And Maimie answered, "By dark or light I fondly swear Never to see goats anywhere."

"In the great grief and doleful widowhood, In which the bloody exit of her lord Has plunged her majesty, she still remembers The ancient faith and love of Switzerland." MELCHTHAL. She ne'er did that in her prosperity. ROSSELMANN. Hush, let us hear. "And she is well assured, Her people will in due abhorrence hold The perpetrators of this damned deed.

"Thou who in a manger Once hast lowly lain, Who dost now in glory O'er all kingdoms reign, Gather in the heathen Who in lands afar Ne'er have see the brightness Of Thy guiding star." The Arabs who in past ages were the merchants of the Orient in gold, frankincense and myrrh, both then and now traded in slaves also. And the cruel trade is not yet ended.

Fear not snow-drift driving fast, Sleet, or hail, or levin blast. Soon the shroud shall lap thee fast, And the sleep be on thee cast That shall ne'er know waking. Haste thee, haste thee, to be gone, Earth flits fast, and time draws on. Gasp thy gasp, and groan thy groan, Day is near the breaking.

"Ye're cheengt a'ready," said Blue Peter, looking up at him sharply. "I ne'er h'ard ye speyk like that afore." "Make nothing of it," returned Malcolm. "I am only airing my English on you; I have made up my mind to learn to speak in London as London people do, and so, even to you, in the meantime only, I am going to speak as good English as I can.

"But how," said Vincent, after the first warmth of welcome had subsided, "how shall I congratulate you upon your new honours? I was not prepared to find you grown from a roue into a senator. "'In gathering votes you were not slack, Now stand as tightly by your tack, Ne'er show your lug an' fidge your back, An' hum an' haw; But raise your arm, an' tell your crack Before them a'.

So around Master Sandy's Snapdragon danced the royal children, and even the King himself condescended to dip his royal hands in the flames, while Archie Armstrong the jester cried out: "Now fair and softly, brother Jamie, fair and softly, man. There's ne'er a plum in all that plucking so worth the burning as there was in Signor Guy Fawkes' snapdragon when ye proved not to be his lucky raisin."

His face I ne'er shall see, and naught is left to me, save" putting away my book and all recollections of nonsense. So here goes! Tuesday, March 31st. "To be, or not to be; that's the question." Whether 'tis nobler in the Confederacy to suffer the pangs of unappeasable hunger and never-ending trouble, or to take passage to a Yankee port, and there remaining, end them. Which is best?