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Me, boss?" the boy returned, disavowing with a grin any pretense to intelligence. "Naw, suh, boss. You knows I ain' got no sense. I ain' nevuh tried to fool nobody." "Didn't you tell the chief of police you were awake all of Monday night when you were on duty in the lobby and didn't you say the only thing you did was to carry up Mr. Morley's bags?"

The next day dawned dull and rainy and he had a tiresome pull on a sluggish stream until he reached Tyngsborough. Nearing a crowded bridge at that place, volleys of questions were fired at him. He was choking with thirst and without looking up, asked: "Is there a hotel here?" "Naw," shouted a gruff voice, "ner yeou kaint git naw liker hure nowhere neether."

He still gazed steadfastly at Rufe; the knife lay unheeded on the ground at his feet, and the hide was slipping from the wooden horse. At last he said slowly, "Birt tole ye 'bout'n it, eh?" "Naw, sir! Naw!" Rufe rocked himself fantastically to and fro in imminent peril of toppling off the wood-pile. "'Twar Tom Byers ez tole me." "TOM!" exclaimed Byers, with a galvanic start.

The old negro shook his head, looking uneasily at the froth that dripped from the keg into the dust. "Naw, suh, Marse Plunkett, he's fur de Un'on, but he's pow'ful feared er de Yankees," he returned. Bland broke into a laugh. "Oh, come, that's downright treason," he protested merrily. "Your Marse Plunkett's a skulker sure enough, and you may tell him so with my compliments.

"Yes," put in Amanda, "the Bible says it's good to have a merry heart and me and Phil's got one. You like us that way, don't you, Mom?" "Yes," the mother agreed. "Now you go put on dry things, then I want to fit your dresses. And, Philip, are you wet through?" "Naw. These thick pants don't get wet through if I rutch in water an hour.

Having got his line within striking distance of the swinging sacks, the exercise was directed by two commands, "On guard!" and "Point!" the first of which was supposed to knock off the enemy's thrust, and the second to drive the bayonet home into his vitals, after which, without command, there must be a swift recovery. "Naw then, Hn-gah! Pint!!!"

We'll make you understand about it all before long. Now you shall have some supper. Mr. Jackson is a warm friend of yours, and will see that you have a good one." "I reckon we'll get on ef he gives me plenty o' fodder. Bring it toreckly, fer I'm hungry. Quit yer starin', kyant yer?" "Don't you know me, Captain Nichol? Why, I " "Naw. Never seed ner yeared on yer. Did I ever nuss yer in a hospital?

"It might be wise to hang onto your dog, Hippy," advised Tom. "You are to show us the way to Shafto's, I presume?" questioned Tom Gray, addressing the boy again. "Naw. I reckon you can find the way yourself. Can't spare the time. I got a fall job in the woods over near the reservation. You take the main road straight north from here till you git to Bisbee's Corners.

Ivy, holding her skirts very high and picking her way gingerly around the frozen puddles, was the first to reach him. "Ah! Here's our good little friend Rick, or Dick, is it? And this is the sweet little baby sister that God sent you." "Naw it ain't," said Skeeter; "that there's a boy, an' it ain't no kin to him.

As he spoke a huge, silent car crept swiftly to the entry, which opened to swallow up two bareheaded, luxuriously befurred women, with their escorts. The curious wayfarer promptly amended his query, though not for the better. "Naw!" replied the policeman with scorn. "That's Mr. Banneker's house." "Banneker? Who's Banneker?"