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"You know what happened?" "What?" "Roger and Astro " the boy stopped, seemingly unable to go on. "Didn't you see them?" demanded Tom. "Naw, I couldn't. They wouldn't let me." "Who wouldn't let you?" "The guards." "What guards? What are you talking about, Tiny?" "The guards at the jail! Roger and Astro are on the enlisted man's work gang for six months!" said Tiny.

Naw, mermaids is faddle, he repeated contemptuously. 'Faddle? repeated 'Lias, interrogatively. The children started. They has supposed 'Lias was of doting and talking gibberish for the rest of the morning.

Casey's head snapped around so that he could cock an eye up at Nolan. He grinned mechanically. "Naw. Picked up a rich-lookin' piece uh float. Thought I'd just see if it didn't mebby come from this ledge." Mack Nolan stepped forward interestedly and looked at the ledge. "Where's the piece you found?" he very naturally inquired.

"What the deuce are they at?" he cried, peering through the darkness. "Huh!" grunted Mandy. "Them's curs all right, but they ain't much dog. You wait till I see them fellows. They'll pay for this, you bet!" "Do you mean to say these are not dogs?" cried Cameron, speaking in her ear, so great was the din. "Dogs?" answered Mandy with indignant scorn. "Naw! Just or'nary curs!

bellowed the Towers, and out of the pause that came so effectively before the last word of the verse rose a triumphant squeal from the mouth-organ, and the appealing voice of Private 'Enery Irving 'Naw then, put a bit of 'ate into it. But even that artist of the emotions had to admit his critical sense of the dramatic fully satisfied by the tone of vociferous wrath and hatred flung into the Towers' answering roar of . . . . England!

And having kissed their sister circumspectly, careful not to touch the clothes they admired with their pasty fingers, they stood lost in contemplation, thrilled with consciousness of the advantage of service. Esther took Harry, a fine little boy of four, up in her arms, and asked him if he remembered her. "Naw, I don't think I do. Will oo put me down?"

Don't make much differunce t' me," growled Bacon, discouragingly. "Heard about the plan for a church?" "Naw." "Well, we're goin' to hire Elder Pill from Douglass to come over and preach every Sunday afternoon at the schoolhouse, an' we want help t' pay him the laborer is worthy of his hire." "Sometimes he is an' then agin he ain't. Y' needn't look t' me f'r a dollar.

"He's an instructor," Yancey replied without hesitation. "Oh Ho! So you still need instruction? I heard that Cowan knows it all." "Naw, he only knows half, and you know the other half. Too bad both sets of brains wasn't put in one head. In that case somebody would have been almost half-witted. Better toddle along, soldier. The animals are goin' on a rampage in a minute." "Yeah?

So YOU had to come along, loaded to the guards with hootch stall your Ford on the car track right under m' nose, an' tell Casey Ryan to git in! Couldn't leave 'im to go home peaceful to 'is wife naw! You had t' haul 'im away out here an' git 'im in wrong with a cop agin! That's a fine game you're playin'! That's a DARNED fine game!" "Sure, it is!

"Ah!" said Steelman, "lumbago, I suppose? My father suffered cruel from it for years." "Naw," said the old man, moving closer to the fence. "It ain't in me back; the trouble's with me leg." "Oh!" said Steelman. "One a bit shorter than the other?" "Well, yes. It seems to be wearin' a bit shorter. I must see to it." "Hip disease, perhaps?" said Steelman. "A brother o' mine had "