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I volunteered to accompany my uncle. "But we may require a stronger digger than you are, Walter," he said, and fixed on Roger Trew. Roger, throwing his spade over his shoulder in navvy fashion, answered, "I am ready, sir." "Well, you can come too then," said my uncle to me. "You may bring your gun, though, in case of necessity. We must remember not to fire if it can be helped."

I took the moulding from his key while I was speaking to him." The navvy laughed hoarsely. "If that don't lick creation for smartness!" he cried. "And how are we to get to this safe? It would serve him right if we collar the lot. It'll teach him that if he ain't honest by nature he's got to be when he deals with the like of us. I like straightness, and by the Lord I'll have it!"

But I am afraid of any unpleasantness arising between you and that man. These working men are so savage to their wives, and so jealous of gentlemen. I hardly like your going into his house at all." "Absurd, mother! You must not think that he is a navvy in fustian and corduroys. He seems a sensible man: his address is really remarkably good, considering what he is.

A bad case was that of a bullying railway navvy, who, having knocked his wife about and upset his old father, went off ostensibly to work. In reality he made his way by train to a town some ten miles distant, and from there, in a drunken frolic, sent a telegram home to his wife announcing that he was dead.

Carthew related his privations in the Domain, and his toils as a navvy; Hadden gave his experience as an amateur copra merchant in the South Seas, and drew a humorous picture of life in a coral island.

"No I won't; I won't show a yellow streak like that. Besides, I want to give 'em to you fellows." A blank silence followed my statement, to which Jim replied: "Shore that'll be easy; Jones'll have 'em, so'll Emett, an' by thunder I'm scratchin' now." "Navvy, look here," I said severely, "mucha no bueno! heap bad!

"We'll get another before sundown, if that's your only trouble. Say, porter, when's the next train down?" "Seven forty-five," said the one porter, and passed out through the wicket-gate into the landscape. It was then three-twenty of a hot and sleepy afternoon. The station was absolutely deserted. The navvy had closed his eyes, and now nodded. "That's bad," said the doctor.

The heavy rains continued, the country was already overrun with floods; the railway system daily required more hands, daily the superintendent advertised; but "the unemployed" preferred the resources of charity and rapine, and a navvy, even an amateur navvy, commanded money in the market.

I told them you had been here last night and had gone off on a motor bicycle this morning, and one of the chaps swore like a navvy. I made him tell me what they looked like. One was a dark-eyed thin fellow with bushy eyebrows, the other was always smiling and lisped in his talk. Neither was any kind of foreigner; on this my young friend was positive.

He did not look mean, but he had spirit. "Navvy, you've sure got bad manners," said Lake, shaking the mustang's bridle. He spoke as if he were chiding a refractory little boy. "Didn't I break you better'n that? What's this gentleman goin' to think of you? Tryin' to bite my ear off!"