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J. J. Hill. Navigation Resources of the United States. Conservation of Power Resources. Florida's Waterways. Our Water Resources. The Lakes-to-Gulf Waterway. Water Resources. Necessity for Waterway Improvement. Report Congressional Committee on European Waterways. Senate Document, 1910. River and Harbor Bill. Senate Document. Burton, 1910. Forests, Water Storage, Power and Navigation.

Not only were the Portuguese and Spaniards almost the only direct traders to the distant East, but even had no obstacles been interposed by Government, the exclusive possession of information as to the course of trade, the pre-eminent practical knowledge acquired by long experience of that dangerous highway around the world at a time when oceanic navigation was still in its infancy, would have given a monopoly of the traffic to the descendants of the bold discoverers who first opened the great path to the world's commerce.

But in the somewhat constricted Teuton mind the Zeppelin and the Zeppelin only represents the ultima Thule of aerial navigation and the means for asserting the universal character of Pan-Germanism as well as "Kultur."

When the contents of the two freight-ships had been unloaded they were beached and broken up by the orders of King John, who wished it to be thought that they had been destroyed in the whirlpools of that dangerous sea, and that the navigation of those rough waters was only safe for the caravels of the Navy.

The water, at this season, is perfectly limpid, and, although the tide ebbs and flows more than a hundred miles above the mouth of the river, it is fresh and sweet. The channel of the Sacramento is remarkably free from snags and other obstructions to navigation. A more beautiful and placid stream of water I never saw.

Chalk it down, a terrible dangerous navigation! If you don't make a sputter about it, you'll get no credit in England! "Then lounging away to his mate at the helm, he bid him give it to somebody else; and walking off with him, he said, 'Hang me if there are not a thousand places in the Thames fifty times worse than that.

Besides when all this was done, I had my man to teach what belonged to its navigation; for though he very well understood how to paddle a canoe along, he was an utter stranger to a sail and a rudder, and was amazed when he saw me work the boat to and again in the sea, by them, and how the sail gibbed and filled this way or that way, as the course we sailed changed.

This was "inevitable," and "Manifest Destiny" was as actively at work in the days of Rodgers Clarke as in those of Walker, but with better reason; for the control that Spain exercised over the navigation of the Mississippi was contrary to common sense.

For the freeze-up heralded the death of their hope the hope that they would be floating down the swift river ere navigation closed on the chain of lakes. To harrow Rasmunsen's soul further, he discovered three competitors in the egg business.

Bounty for wolves and Indian scalps were offered in it and necessary equipment was bought with it. However, due to English navigation laws forbidding the colonists to export to other countries, by 1682 England became over-supplied with tobacco and the planters soon began to feel the effect of this surplus. Growers began to go deeper and deeper into debt.