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They still press on, they still nurse the dogged hope, not a hope of nauseating patronage, not a hope of reception into charmed social circles of stock-jobbers, pork-packers, and earl-hunters, but the hope of a higher synthesis of civilization and humanity, a true progress, with which the chorus "Peace, good will to men," "May make one music as before, But vaster."

"The yellow press" is a phrase which has now come into general use to denote the certain kind of journalism which lives and thrives by pandering to the desire that so many persons in this world have for morbid sensationalism and the publication of nauseating and shocking details.

I think the Ghats are the most nauseating place in the world; there, is Idolatry, in capital letters the most terrible vision that a mind diseased could picture in horrible nightmare! for you see thousands of inferior specimens of men and women dabbling in the water's edge, doing all and every particular of the toilet in the same place almost touching each other, and right amongst them are dead people in pink or white winding sheets being burned, and the ashes and half-burned limbs being shoved into the water and I forgot there's a main sewer comes into the middle of this.

That was the nauseating method of nineteenth century economists when they tried to identify the brutal practices of capitalism with the beneficence of nature and the Will of God. Not so Machiavelli.

Bless me, what a nauseating question at this hour of the day!" "'Most everybody here is in oil. We turn dozens away every day, we're that full. It's the boom. I'm in oil myself in a small way, of course. It's like this: sometimes gentlemen like well, like you, sir give me tips. They drop a hint, like, about their stocks, and I've done well in a small way, of course.

Such were the daily spectacles of coloured pomp and of antique solemnity, which so long as the sun was shining, at any rate dazzled the onlooker into a happy forgetfulness of the reverse side of the Papal dispensation the nauseating filth of the highways, the cattle stabled in the palaces of the great, and the fever flitting through the ghastly tenements of the poor. In St.

Spinelli's 'A Basso Porto' , which has been performed in English by the Carl Rosa Opera Company, is redolent of Mascagni's influence, but the nauseating incidents of the plot make 'Cavalleria, by comparison, seem chaste and classical.

I was much better, but the thought of food in that crowded tent was nauseating, and, watching my opportunity, I slipped away, seeing Tom Mercer looking about as if in search of me before going into the tent. "I know what I'll do," I thought. "I'll walk gently down along the lane to Bob Hopley's place, and ask Polly to make me a cup of tea and cut me some bread and butter."

After the first day the odor of the cave was so nauseating that to enable us to go inside it was necessary to wear gauze pads of iodoform over our noses. The bats at this place were killed with bamboo switches but later we always used a long gill net which had been especially made in New York.

There exist, at the present time, scores of baths where the odours of the sudatory chambers are nauseating. Such foulness arises from stagnation of the air. There is no continuous flow, and the respirations and exhalations of the bathers are not removed. A system of ventilation may be pointed out, but it is on the wrong principle, and does not act. There is no change of air.