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Waves of fresh nausea swept over Graham. He sat down on a pile of bricks and wiped his forehead, clammy with sweat. "I hope to God he was burned alive," muttered the other man, surveying the scene. His eyes were reddened with smoke from the fire, his clothing torn. "I was knocked down myself," he said. "I was out in the yard looking for Klein, and I guess I lay there quite a while.

The humanist, summoned to explain what the Fathers of the Church those worthies crowned with mitres and offering rolls of manuscript, whom Domenico had occasionally to portray for his customers said about the ancient gods, answered with much glibness but considerable contempt, for the Greek and Latin of these saintly philosophers inspired the learned man with a feeling of nausea.

He wished for himself what he felt to be good, and was not conscious of wishing harm to any one else; unless perhaps it were just now a little harm to the inconvenient and impertinent Gwendolen. But the easiest-humored of luxury and music, the toad-eater the least liable to nausea, must be expected to have his susceptibilities. And Mr.

She felt a slight lurch as the pickup left the hub of the Guardian Wheel. It swung in a wide arc. Through the viewplate she saw the enormous Wheel growing small behind her, silhouetted against the mist of Rythar. Suddenly the wheel glowed red with a soundless explosion. Its flaming fragments died in the void. Mryna dropped weakly on the lounge. Nausea spun through her mind.

Phipps better, and see what a really fine man he is. Do try to comfort Aunt Isobel, and make her understand. Please don't hate me, but try to forgive your utterly miserable friend, Quin stood staring at the letter. He felt as he had on that August day when the flying shrapnel struck him the same intense nausea, the deadly exhaustion, the bursting pain in his head.

Then, with a chuckle: "Wait a bit, wait a bit," she added, "I have something for you, something you will like." And she pulled out of her vast pocket a paper bag, and out of the bag three or four gum lozenges, sticking together in a cake, which gave me a feeling of nausea.

He was assured that his salvation was in the work, and he drew the key from his pocket, and made as if he would have opened the desk. But the nausea, the remembrances of repeated and utter failure, were too powerful.

=Aconitine= varies much in activity according to its mode of preparation and the source from which it is derived. The most active kind is probably made from A. ferox. Contains the glucoside digitalin and other active principles. Symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, purging, and abdominal pains. Vomited matter grass-green in colour.

They lay on the wet decks, in the scuppers, and along the transoms and hatches. They were like shipwrecked mariners clinging to a raft, and they asked nothing more than that the ship's bow be turned toward home. Once satisfied as to that, they relaxed into a state of self-pity and miserable oblivion to their environment, from which hunger nor nausea nor aching bones could shake them.

Overcome with nausea over the conviction that Deveny's order meant death to Red Linton, Barbara lay slack in Deveny's arms for a long time. A premonitory silence had settled over the valley; she heard the dull thud of hoofs behind her, regular and swift, the creaking of the saddle leather as the animal under her loped forward. There was no other sound.