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In the near future the maintenance of the British Empire depends upon the Nation's having a Government at once far-seeing and resolute, capable of great resolves and prompt action. Of such a Government there is, however, no immediate prospect.

This phase of the attack upon him was too much for the slave owners of the South and the slave traders of New England, and the clause was struck out. Nearly fourscore and ten years later, Abraham Lincoln, at a supreme crisis in the nation's life, told in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, what the Declaration of Independence meant to him.

The ignorance was as sublime as the tyranny. The most lucid arguments and the most earnest remonstrances were all in vain. Too opaque to be illumined by a flood of light, too hard to be melted by a nation's tears, the Viceroy held calmly to his purpose.

It is a catch phrase, made famous by Mahan and glibly used ever since. What does sea power mean? What are its elements? Obviously it means, in brief, a nation's ability to enforce its will upon the sea. This means a navy superior to those of its enemies. But it means also strategic bases equipped for supplying a fleet for battle or offering refuge in defeat.

The poor brute had a fall on his pate and his horn grew of it, and it 's to prove that he has got something in his head, and is dangerous both fore and aft, which is not the case with other horses, who're usually wicked at the heels alone. That's it, be sure, or near it. And his horn's there to file the subject nation's grievances for the Lion to peruse at his leisure.

The one believed that he could compel; the other with his finger on the nation's pulse, knew that he had to persuade. However, this flowing army of the propaganda did not always engage him on the tragic note.

The bloody mark upon the lintel, for ten thousands of first-born slain, the anxiety and agony of the struggle for national existence, the tax-gatherer taking one fourth part of our livelihood, and a deranged currency nearly one half of the remainder, four years of the most frightful war known in history, and then, at the very moment when our hearts were tremulous with the joy of victory, and every beating pulse was growing stiller and calmer in the blessed hope of peace, then the shock of the intelligence that Lincoln and Seward, our great names borne up on the swelling tide of the nation's gratulation and hope, have fallen, in the same hour, under the stroke of the assassin, these are the awful visitations of God!. . . As I slowly awake to the dreadful truth, the question that presses upon me that presses upon the national heart is, what is to become of us?

"Come, in the name of that army, intrepid general, come in the name of those heroes among whom you now appear, and receive an embrace in token of the national gratitude. Let his illustrious shade tell us of the glory which follows a nation's liberator beyond the grave!" Bonaparte now came down from his platform, and in the name of France was embraced by Berthier.

But war is also the only means of adding to a nation's territory the territory of other nations which they do not wish to sell or to give up the robbers' only way to get more space or to get booty. This last explains this war. Every one, therefore, as he comes to the throne, feels an obligation to make his addition to the Empire.

Such incidents do not find a usual place in the pages of history, but they contribute to the interpretation of a nation's character. The battle of Ichi-no-tani was not by any means conclusive.