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But I didn't have no hopes on't till Philander Daggett's new young wife come to visit me and I told her how much I wanted to go, and she bein' real good-natered said she would make Philander let me in. He objected, of course, but she is pretty and young, and his nater bein' kinder softened and sweetened by the honey of the honeymoon, she got round him.

Not only do I ask you to marry me, but I ask you to do it now. The evenin' sun is settin', the evenin' birds is singin', and it seems to me, Mrs. McJimsey, that all nater pints to this softenin' hour as a marryin' moment. You say your son won't be home from his work until supper-time, and your daughter has gone out for a walk. Come with me to Mr.

But human nater can't bear only just so much, especially when it has stoves a dirtien up the floor, and apple sass on its mind, and unexpected company, and no cookin' and a threshin' machine a-comin'. Never knew a word about the threshin' machine a-comin' till about half an hour before. Josiah Allen wuzn't to blame. It come just as onexpected onto him as it did onto me.

I think thou observedst, it is probable the wound will fester, so as to occasion danger to the limb in this cold weather“Out of nater, sir, quite out of natersaid Elnathan, attempting to expectorate, but succeeding only in throwing a light, frothy substance, like a flake of snow, into the fire ” quite out of nater that a wound so well dressed, and with the ball in my pocket, should fester.

Well, we had our lunch in a box and a bottle of cold tea, and we eat it, and rested quite a spell, Josiah's good nater returnin' with every mouthful he took, till by the time we got ready to start out agin, he wuz as clever a critter as I want to see.

He wuz killed, and he shouldn't live to trouble anybody long if that pain kept up." His acts and words wuz exceedingly skairful to anybody who didn't understand the nater of a man. But I wuzn't moved by 'em so much as the width of a horse hair. Good land!

As the poet says, 'Nater will caper." But Cicely went right on, with her eyes a shinin', and a red spot in her white cheeks that I didn't like to see. "A thousand temptations that surround my boy now, could be removed, a thousand low influences changed into better, helpful ones.

Tell me instantly," sez I, for I feared the worst. "Seein' this dum fool is so willin' to take work on him that don't belong for males to do, I'll give him a job at it. I'll see if I can't ride some of the consarned foolishness out of him." Sez I, "Be calm, Josiah; don't throw away your own precious life through madness and revenge. The ostrich hain't to blame, he's only actin' out Nater."

And Mom Nater, instead of weepin' over your loss, goes on wreathin' new flowers for new hands to gather, and mebby forgits to drop even a bud on the dusty mound where you lay sleepin' the sleep of long forgetfulness. "Of what account are you anyway?

It wouldn't been best for her to married a man most a hundred. And I knowed her soft nater made her a willin' martyr to widower's wiles. Age made no difference to Blandina. And I dassent venter to let him git nearer to her. So I bid him a hasty good-by and linked my arm into hern and led her away.