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May 1. it was may day today and we dident have enny school. so me and Beany went up to Fattys and got him and we went down to old Nats. We wood have run all the way only Fatty got tukered out. When we got there old Nat made us promise to give him a hat or a pair of old boots becaus he kept lady Clara over Sunday.

I tell you I'm past soft soap, and I didn't think you'd give it to me." "Nat!" "Oh, yes, 'Nat'! A lot you care for 'Nat'! Not a reason on God's footstool why you won't have me except one, and that one that you don't want me." "Please, Nat! I can hardly believe this is you. This trouble with your father has upset you. You don't mean what you say. You're not talkin' like yourself and "

But I'm sure you've done what's best. You're a business man " "Don't!" Nat pleaded wildly. "I've been called that so much of late that it's beginning to hurt!" Sam Graham said to me, that night: "I don't know when so many things have happened to me in so short a time. It don't seem hardly possible it's only four days since that boy came in here asking for a job.

"Yes, Nat," he continued, "from the East, where the bamboo is used for endless purposes. It is hard, and will bear a sharp point, and is so abundant that the people seem to have no end to the use they make of it." "And have you seen birds like these alive, sir?" "No, Nat, but I hope to do so before long. That blue-billed gaper probably came from Malacca, and the trogon too.

"Never mind, now," said my uncle. "Set the fire going again, and get yourselves some breakfast; but don't be in such a hurry to take fright next time. We'd better have our dinner at the same time, Nat; and if there's any wind this evening we'll sail southward."

Nat was a special demonstrator, out on a brand-new high-class job for a house handling a special line of high-priced goods. And he was to go to Europe in another week did they get it straight? Europe! Jiminy! He and another fellow were taking cars over to France and England. No; they didn't quite get it.

So a bird may differ much in appearance at different seasons and ages in fact, most birds do. The male also differs in many cases from the female, being more handsomely dressed than his mate." "I don't think that's fair," said Dodo. "I shouldn't like Nat to have nicer clothes than I wear."

I am indebted to my honored friend, Lydia Maria Child, for some vivid recollections of this terrible period, as noted down from the lips of an old colored woman, once well known in New York, Charity Bowery. "At the time of the old Prophet Nat," she said, "the colored folks was afraid to pray loud; for the whites threatened to punish 'em dreadfully, if the least noise was heard.

"If the water keeps up on end, as it is doing now," said Olaf, "it will be a week before I dare take you over to Gull Island; but I was talking to a man from up the river yesterday, and he says the reed shallows are full of Rails maybe you'd like to see them." "Rails, what are they?" asked Nat. "I thought rails were the steel things that cars run on, or else some kind of fence bars."

Then my uncle would look troubled, and take me into his own room, where he kept his books and garden seeds. "You mustn't do it, Nat, my boy, indeed you mustn't. You see how it annoys your aunt." "I didn't think I was doing any harm, uncle," I protested. "Nap jumped out of the window, and leaped up at me as if he wanted a game, and I only raced round the garden with him."