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"When Abe fust come here to Cardhaven there was still two-three wrecking comp'nies left on the Cape. Why, 'tain't been ten years since the Paulmouth Comp'ny wrecked the Mary Benson that went onto Sanders Reef all standin'. They made a good speck out o' the job, too. "Wal, Abe bought into one o' the comp'nies was the heaviest stockholder, in fac', so nat'rally was cap'n.

He was dry; it tasted sweet, and he drinked, nat'rally." "Who gave him the whiskey?" "I didn't notice, particularly," said Seth. His accomplices were summoned, the quartermaster was notified, and the affair was still further investigated.

There's holes, I reckon, under the back an' sides o' the shed, or barn, or wherever it is that the hens have their nests?" "Nat'rally!" responded Mrs. Gammit. "The thieves ain't agoin' to come in by the front doors, right under my nose, be they?" "Of course," assented the woodsman. "Well, you jest set them 'ere traps in three o' them holes, well under the sills an' out o' the way.

But if you ever say such a thing again as my getting tired of Daddy, I'll kill you. So now you know!" "Jes' so!" assented Bob. "Nat'rally! To b' sure!" The sudden splashing of the water had caught many eyes on the deck of the Huntress, and people admired the "playfulness" of the pretty child in the little boat. One pair of eyes, however, was sharper than the rest.

It took him a little less than three days to go through; "but," he added, "I nat'rally travel a little faster in the woods than most men. If you can follow the trail, you ought to get through in a little more'n three days if you keep moggin'." One afternoon I carefully packed the knapsack and organized for a long woods tramp. I took little stock in that trail, or the three days' notion as to time.

The London atmosphere ain't nat'rally a dry-cleanin' process in itself, but there's a goodish few as seem to think it is. One comes across Freeborn Britons 'ere and there as I'd be sorry to scrub clean for a shillin' and find my own soap." "It is a universal failing, Mrs. Wilkins," I explained.

Peggotty, 'and I know'd his merits, so I unnerstan' her; but 'tan't entirely so, you see, with others nat'rally can't be! My aunt and I both acquiesced. 'Wheerby, said Mr. Peggotty, 'my sister might I doen't say she would, but might find Missis Gummidge give her a leetle trouble now-and-again. Peggotty, 'I means to make her a 'lowance afore I go, as'll leave her pretty comfort'ble.

"Now arn't it a strange thing," said Tom, "arn't it a strange thing, Mr. Forester, that every critter under Heaven takes somehow nat'rally to that are Archer the very hounds old Whino there! that I have had these eight years, and fed with my own hands, and hunted steady every winter, quits me the very moment he claps sight on him; by the eternal, I believe he is half dog himself."

You see, the Y.D. is a cantank'rous stream, like its godfather. At The Forks you'd nat'rally suppose is where two branches joined, an' jogged on henceforth in double harness. Well, that ain't it at all. This crick has modern ideas, an' at The Forks it divides itself into two, an' she hikes for the Gulf o' Mexico an' him for Hudson's Bay.

I goes to the barkeep', and I sez, 'Show me the biggest, fashionblest house thet's for sale yer. And he sez, 'The biggest, nat'rally b'longs to John Jacob Astor. And I sez, 'Show him, and he shows him.