United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"It's curous, Minty, wot's foreordained, and wot ain't. Now, yer's one of them high and mighty fellows, after the Lord, ez comes meanderin' around here, and drops off ez fur ez I kin hear in a kind o' faint at the first house he kems to, and is taken in and lodged and sumptuously fed; and, nat'rally, they gets their reward for it.

"Yes, sir, all great folk from Lon'on, besides country folk o' quality, to meet the Duchess o' Camberhurst, and she's the greatest of 'em all. Lord! There's enough blue blood among 'em to float a Seventy-four. Nat'rally, the Cap'n wanted to keep a good offing to windward of 'em.

My Subjects bare, my Brain is bad, Or better Lines you should have had; The first fell in so nat'rally, I knew not how to pass it by; The last, though bad I could not mend, Accept therefore of what is pen'd, And all the faults that you shall spy Shall at your feet for pardon cry. Mr.

Wegg. Did you love her, Nora?" "Indeed I did, child." "What was she like?" "She were gentle, an' sweet, an' the mos' beautiful creetur in all in in the place where we lived. An' her fambily was that proud an' aristocratic thet no one could tech 'em with a ten-foot pole." "I see. Did she love Captain Wegg?" "Nat'rally, sense she married of him, an' fit all her fambily to do it.

He's a new shipment from New York. Grand-nephew of a messmate of mine, Cap'n Perez Ryder. Perez, he's a bachelor, but his sister's daughter married a feller named Bartlett. Maybe you knew him; he used to run a tugboat in the Sound." Mr. Hazeltine, much amused, denied the acquaintance. "Well, I s'pose you wouldn't, nat'rally," continued the Captain.

Your Sky Island ain't very big, so when we couldn't stay in the Blue Country, where ever'body hated us, or in the Fog Bank, which ain't healthy an' is too wet for humans to live in for long, we nat'rally were forced to enter the Pink Country, where we expected to find nice people." "We ARE nice," said Tourmaline, "but it is our country, not yours, and we have no place here for strangers.

"The big chap looked very hard into my face when I said this, to see if I was telling the truth; and I tried to make my teeth chatter, but it wouldn't do, so I took to groanin' very bad instead. But them Sieux are such awful liars nat'rally that they couldn't understand the signs of truth, even if they saw them.

"Yes, why, Lordy Sade don't you see? You thought I was dead, and I thought you was dead, that's what's the matter. But I never reckoned that you'd think me dead until Chivers allowed that it must be so." Her face whitened in the moonlight "Chivers?" she said blankly. "In course; but nat'rally you don't know him, honey. He only saw you onc't.

But why did you not go round to the servants' hall?" "I am at present in search of it, lady. "A cruel blow on the hi' nat'rally spires its vision and expression and makes a honest man look like a thief." "Agatha," said Miss Wilson, "come here." "My dooty to you, Miss," said Smilash, pulling his forelock. "This is the man from whom I had the five shillings, which he said you had just given him.

With a snort of disgust Bud turned his back on the big fellow and began: "Me an' 'Peep-o'-day' Thompson wuz ridin' herd on a bunch o' cattle belongin' ter ole man Bradish. All we hed ter do wuz ter keep 'em from driftin' too fur, which nat'rally left us much time fer meditation an' conversation.