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I was ready to give up all Americans as problems one too many for me, and yet I was strangely a little warmed at thinking I might not have seen the last of Cousin Egbert, whom I had just given a tuckup. "You shall have your chance," she said at last, "and just to show you that I'm not narrow, you can go over to the sideboard there and pour yourself out a little one.

She put her hand on his forehead for his narrow bed stood quite close to hers and said softly: "On earth you have no father any more, my child, but above in heaven there lives a Father who will not forsake you. I have given you long since to Him. I know He will care for you and protect you, so I can go quietly and joyfully.

From the position occupied by Garland's brigade, therefore, no movement could be made against the defences of San Antonio except to the front, and by a narrow causeway, over perfectly level ground, every inch of which was commanded by the enemy's artillery and infantry.

Invariably these houses are of a whitish gray color; almost invariably they are narrow and cramped- looking, with very peaky gables, somehow suggesting flat-chested old men standing in close rows, with their hands in their pockets and their shoulders shrugged up.

I was walking pretty fast, and as I came up behind them and was wondering which way I'd go by, you know the sidewalk is narrow there, a light struck across the woman's face, and I saw it was Mrs. Nobbs. I didn't know the man. Has she relatives here?" "A brother, I think, a bachelor brother." "Tall, is he?" "Yes." "This man was. Probably it was he. I had on my sneaks that's why they didn't hear me.

It was situated in a narrow valley, where we felt the enjoyment of a cool and delicious climate, in the centre of the torrid zone.

These were Indians from the more immediate vicinity, desirous of trading their skins. After a moment McDonald appeared in the doorway, a hundred feet away, and raised his hand. Two of the savages, and two only, trotted down the narrow picket lane, their packs on their shoulders. McDonald ushered them into a big square room, where the bales were undone and spread abroad.

Good work will not make him a rich man, but good work may make him a good workman. The Industrious Apprentice rose by virtues few and narrow indeed, but still virtues. But what shall we say of the gospel preached to the new Industrious Apprentice; the Apprentice who rises not by his virtues, but avowedly by his vices?

These are the "Two Briggs of Ayr," whose midnight conversation was overheard by Burns, while other auditors were aware only of the rush and rumble of the wintry stream among the arches. The ancient bridge is steep and narrow, and paved like a street, and defended by a parapet of red freestone, except at the two ends, where some mean old shops allow scanty room for the pathway to creep between.

Well, we have long expected them to come to us, as to our brethren elsewhere. But what shall the poor queen do?" "Is there no place where you can hide her?" I said. "None," he answered gloomily. "Tell me more." I told him, and he shook his head. "Men in the narrow waters, and men in the open," he muttered. "Hemmed in on every side." "Danes in the open sea?" I said, with a new fear on me.