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He made no pretence to shroud things in mystery. "You mus' know, Massa Nadgel," he said, as they slowly drew near to the island, "I's 'fraid ob 'im dough I lub 'im." "But why do you love him, Moses?" "'Cause he sabe my life an' set me free." "Indeed? well, that is good reason. And why do you fear him?" "Da's what I don' know, massa," replied the negro with a puzzled look. "Is he harsh, then?"

"Sot down, Massa Nadgel," said that sable worthy, as he stuffed his mouth full of rice; "it's easier to sot dan to stand w'en its eart'quakin'." Nigel sat down with a tendency to laugh, for at that moment he chanced to glance at the rafters above, where he saw a small anxious-faced monkey gazing down at him. He was commenting on this creature when another prolonged shock of earthquake came.

"All right, Massa Nadgel, but mind what you say, else I won't answer for de consikences. Foller me an' look arter your feet, for de road is roughish."

I say, Massa Nadgel, seems to me dat dere's not much left ob Krakatoa." They had approached near enough to the island by that time to perceive that wonderful changes had indeed taken place, and Van der Kemp, who had been for some time silently absorbed in contemplation, at last turned to his daughter and said