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In fact, with all their propinquity to this place, there is little known about them. Few who have visited their towns have had Gode's luck to get away again. No man of these parts ever ventures across the western Sierras." "And how came you, Monsieur Gode, to save your scalp?" "Pourquoi, monsieur, je n'ai pas.

Je n'ai pas besoin d'en dire autant pour Mme et Mile Reeve. Tout a vous de coeur, A. T. Reeve replied immediately: 62 Rutland Gate, 1 mars. Votre lettre me fait le plus sensible plaisir. Les nouvelles indirectes de votre sante qui me sont parvenues de temps en temps m'avaient excessivement preoccupe.

Vous savez que j'ai a great taste for it; mais il faut vous avouer une triste verite, c'est que je manque absolument de loisir pour le lire. Ne m'en envoyez plus; car je me sens peine d'avoir sous les yeux de si bonnes choses, dont je n'ai pas le temps de tue nourrir." "In the year 1817," Lady Trevelyan writes, "my parents made a tour in Scotland with your uncle.

Bonaparte tried upon this royal lamb the experiment of making a king wait in his antechamber: he allowed himself to be applauded at the theatre, upon the recitation of this verse: "J'ai fait des rois, madame, et n'ai pas voulu l'etre:"

"But that is not at all a pretty game that you have there," said the Countess, shaking her head; "it was not for little girls that Mademoiselle Cécile placed the roulette-board there. Where is your doll? why are you not playing with her?" "My doll is in bed; and I like this best," answered the child indifferently. "Encore ce malheureux trente-six! Je n'ai pas de chance ce soir!"

"Je vous aimais, princesse, et j'osais vous le dire; Les Dieux et mon reveil ne m'ont pas tout ôté, Je n'ai perdu que mon empire." "How pretty that is! And never did poet have his talent so completely at command every moment as Voltaire. I remember an anecdote, when he had been for some time on a visit to Madame du Chatelet.

Ohe! innkeeper! the hair which is not on the heads of your hussies one finds in your omelettes. Old woman! I like bald omelettes. May the devil confound you! A fine hostelry of Beelzebub, where the hussies comb their heads with the forks! "Et je n'ai moi, Par la sang-Dieu! Ni foi, ni loi, Ni feu, ni lieu, Ni roi, Ni Dieu."*

At the representation of AEdipus, the following expression of Philactetes was received with transport: "J'ai fait des Souverains, et n'ai pas voulu l'etre." The First Consul, on leaving the theatre, did not conceal his satisfaction. He judged, from the applause with which that verse had been received, that his pamphlet was forgotten.

Helas! cher Monsieur; je n'ai pas de consolation a vous offrir; je ne puis que vous assurer de ma profonde sympathie. Je juge de ce que vous devez souffrir par ce que je ressentirais a votre place. Mon coeur est avec le votre. From Lord Clarendon January 11th.

Yes, I remember, he suggested: calling the prosecutor and Dmitri Dmitritch, I believe...; qui me doit encore quinze roubles I won at cards, soit Ait en passant. Enfin, je n'ai pas trop compris. But I got the better of them, and what do I care for Dmitri Dmitritch? I believe I begged him very earnestly to keep it quiet; I begged him particularly, most particularly.