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I'll tek him home myse'f' I could only respect his wish, and he and his comrade took up the dead man and between them bore him up the street on which the sun was now shining full. "I saw the few men who had not skulked indoors uncover as they passed, and I I stood there between the two murdered ones, while all the while something in my ears kept crying, 'Blood guilty! Blood guilty!"

Den you strikes a cawnfiel', den a orchid. Den you'se dar. De dawgs an' chickens will sot up a tur'ble rumpus, but you jes' ride up to de stile an' holler, 'Hello! an' some dem no-'count niggahs'll tek yo' nag an' construct you inter Miss Cynthy Ann's presence. I'd show you de way myse'f, on'y Is'e bountah fin' dat heifer; but you carn't miss de way."

"'I'm sorter toler'ble, Brer Rabbit; how you come on? sez Miss Cow, sez she. "'Oh, I'm des toler'ble myse'f, Sis Cow; sorter linger'n' twix' a bauk en a break-down, sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'How yo' fokes, Brer Rabbit? sez Miss Cow, sez she. "'Dey er des middlin', Sis Cow; how Brer Bull gittin' on? sez Brer Rabbit, sezee. "'Sorter so-so, sez Miss Cow, sez she.

But I'm in no sech fix financial as makes it right for me to get put in the hole for fifty thousand dollars by no stranger, however intimate we be. But yere's what I'm willin' to do: If this sharp wears hobbles so he can't up an' canter off, why, rather than see a young gent's neck a foot longer, I goes this bail myse'f.

Oh, hol' me, honey, hol' me, er I'll laf myse'f ter def. I ain' nebber laf' so much sence I be'n bawn. "'W'at you laffin' at, Hot-Foot? "'Yah, yah, yah! W'at I laffin' at? W'y, I's laffin' at myse'f, tooby sho', laffin' ter think w'at a fine 'oman I made. "Chloe tu'nt pale, en her hea't come up in her mouf.

So strong was this feeling in him that he would not consent to stay on and work for his one-time owner even for a full wage. To the proposition of the planter and the gibes of some of his more dependent fellows he answered, "No, suh, I's free, an' I sholy is able to tek keer o' myse'f. I done been fattenin' frogs fu' othah people's snakes too long now."

With a gesture she cut him short, "Don't talk that way, Mr. Starbuck. He comes to me a religion typified, and I would rather walk over a stony road with him than to ride in a chariot with any other human being." The old man laughed and shook his head. "Oh, I know'd it as soon as I seed his eye a hummin' of a tune, an' I said to myse'f, 'at last the gate has been opened for him."

You ought ter be 'shamed er yourse'f. Ef I was you, I'd think myse'f too good ter be always er 'soshatin' with sheeps." "You're mighty fond of 'im sometimes," said Diddie, "an' you was mighty glad he was here jes now, to be Lord Burgoyne: he's jes doin' this fur fun; an' ef Chris was my nigger, I'd make her git down an' drive 'im away."

Take those irons off and let them cool." "Dat's so, Miss Cynthy, en I'se right down 'shamed er myse'f, sho' 'nough, but de shame er hit cyarn tu'n de heart er 'ooman. De debbil he sutnev did look young en peart, dat he did en de Lawd He knows, Miss Cynthy, I allers did like 'em young!

Doggone my cats! wake me up w'en dat othah hoss comes in. "No, suh, I ain't gwine stay no longah, I don't app'ove o' racin', I's gwine 'roun' an' see dis hyeah bookmakah an' den I's gwine dreckly home, suh, dreckly home. I's Baptis' myse'f, an' I don't app'ove o' no sich doin's!" Seven There was a very animated discussion going on, on the lower floor of the house Number Ten "D" Street.