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This was the "Maquis," composed of scrub oak, juniper, arbutus, mastic, privet, gorse, laurel, myrtle and boxwood, intertwined with clematis, huge ferns, honeysuckle, cytisus, rosemary, lavender and brambles, which covered the sides of the mountain with an impenetrable fleece. They were hungry.

I shall take it into consideration, any way, my dear mother; and she smiled a little. 'Yes, Frances, she went on, looking up, and speaking more decidedly; 'of course I'll tell Lady Myrtle. I think I'll go and tell her now. I know she is alone in the boudoir. And, Francie, you may tell Eugene. 'May I? exclaimed Frances, jumping up. 'Oh, thank you, Jass.

Until then she was very respectfully his friend, Myrtle Musgrove. The next month was the longest in Ezra's life. Still, the Lord's calendar is faithful, and the sun not a waiter upon the moods of men.

A simple evening party in the smallest village is just as admirable in its degree, when the parlor is cheerfully lighted, and the board prettily spread, and the guests are made to feel comfortable without being reminded that anybody is making a painful effort. We know several of the young people who were there, and need not trouble ourselves for the others. Myrtle Hazard had promised to come.

In Spain, where balmy breezes blow over the Moorish cupolas and gently stir the orange and myrtle groves, where singing and the sound of the castanets are always heard, the richest merchant in the place, a childless old man, sat in a luxurious house, while children marched in procession through the streets with waving flags and lighted tapers.

So we walked along, I and an old servant, stopping to enter an arbor, or to raise the head of a drooping plant, or to pluck a sweet-scented shrub, and place it in my bosom. "Where are the little girls?" I asked. "Have they come again, too?" "Yes, they are here," she said, as we approached two little mounds, covered over with the dark-green myrtle and its purple flowers. "What is here?"

He remembered how the huge machine with its stench of oil and fire had forced its way through the furze and ferns and wild roses and myrtle, and torn them up, and flung them on one side, and scattered and trampled all the insect life, and all the bird life, and all the hares, and field mice, and stoats, and hedgehogs, who made their home there.

"I came in to talk to you about Myrtle," she went on in a different voice; "that is, partly about Myrtle, but more of myself and of " "How long are the others going to stay?" he cut in heedlessly. "I don't know," she again repressed her own desire; "perhaps they will have to go back to Annapolis don't ask me why but they hope to sail from Philadelphia in a week or so.

Here, aided and abetted by her friend and companion, Myrtle Giddings, she played at living close to the soil, and cultivated the primitive with refined abandon. She strove to get away from the generations of culture and parlor selection, and sought the earth-grip her ancestors had forfeited.

That was one of his arts, always, if possible, to associate himself incidentally, as it appeared, and unavoidably, with an agreeable impression. So Myrtle was betrayed into smiling and being pleased before he had said a word about himself or his affairs.