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'There! there! he would mutter, 'don't you see him? look at his square-toed boots and brass buckles. See how his ghastly dead eyes glare! Keep him from me, Jason; keep him from me; he shall not have them back; he has been dead hundreds of years; keep him from me they are mine! And in my overstrung, nervous state I could have sworn on one or two occasions that I too saw such a figure.

If you had not made so wise and brave an effort you might have lingered on in torture like this poor girl. You stood in just that peril, did you not?" "I suppose I did." "Oh, what a clod I was! I used to hear you cough night after night, and I would mutter, 'Poor Madge! and go to sleep. To think that you might have suffered as this girl is suffering!

Again Paula sobbed aloud; but the older woman did not know how to help in the matter and could only mutter to herself: "Bad, bad what, this too! Merciful Heaven!..." But she presently recovered herself and said firmly: "This is indeed a new and terrible misfortune; but we have known worse much, much worse!

So Joseph used to speak of himself as l'asinelio the little ass; and a pathetic scene was witnessed on his death-bed when he was heard to mutter: "L'asinelio begins to climb the mountain; l'asinelio is half-way up; l'asinelio has reached the summit; l'asinelio can go no further, and is about to leave his skin behind."

Yet so complete, so profound, was the stillness, that the voice seemed far away, submerged, unreal a mere phantom of an echo, of the echo of my own voice. Until, on my desisting from my recital, and straining my cars yet more, the sound seemed to approach and grow clearer as shuffling footsteps also advanced in my direction, and there came a mutter of: "Nay, it CANNOT be so!"

A dozen feet away he could not be heard. But, close to his shoulder, I could hear his steady, smothered groaning that seemed to take the form of a chant. Also, at regular intervals, he would mutter: "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear." Always he repeated the phrase five times, then returned to his groaning. I stole away as silently as I had come.

I assure you I am a lucky person, too, in a way. . . . As lucky as you, at least," she had added in a murmur and with a smile which provoked his responsive mutter "Oh, yes, we are a lucky pair of people." "I count myself lucky in having found a man like you to fight my our battles," she said, warmly. "Suppose you had not existed? . . . . You must let me come with you!"

The unfortunate young gentleman had only strength to turn himself on the ground and mutter forth, "My poor mother!" when life forsook him in the effort. His startled horse fled back to the regiment at the gallop, as did his scarce less affrighted attendant. "What have you done?" said one of Balfour's brother officers. "My duty," said Balfour, firmly.

I heard him tell the Dean as much, and thus it is that they bade me come for thee, and for the maid, take boat, and bring you down to Chelsea, where Sir Thomas will let her be bred up to wait on his little daughters till he can see what best may be done for her. I trow his spirit was moved by the Queen's hardness! I heard the Dean mutter, 'Et venient ab Oriente et Occidente."

Only, if the borrower had neglected to treat him to a glass of rum to clench his signing as surety, the shake of Bear's head would become more reproachful than sympathetic, and he would mutter bitterly: "Five pounds and not even a drink for the money."