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He had fought with distinction all through the Great Mutiny, earning the Victoria Cross and rapid promotion; he had served in the Abyssinian campaign of 1868, and been chosen by Napier to carry home his final despatches; and he had worthily shared in the toil, fighting, and honours of the Umbeyla and Looshai expeditions.

But I believe I can lead you to where Umballa has buried the basket. I feel that Umballa is watching every move we make. And I dare say he hoped and even instigated this mutiny to end in disaster for us. He is alone. So much we can rely upon. But if we try to meet him openly we shall lose. Patience for a little while. There, they are leaving us.

"De prisoners and de bad men who mutiny before try to take de ship from de surgeon and us, and dey are now fighting; and Mr Lawrie told me to come to take care of you." "Oh, thank you, Nub. How I wish my father was on board, to help poor Mr Lawrie. What will he do?" "He fight like brave Scotchman," answered Nub; "and he soon make de mutineers ask pardon.

One that I specially remember began with this verse: Parker was a gay young sailor, Fortune to him did not prove kind; He was hung for mutiny at the Nore, Worse than him were left behind. After declaiming that verse to us, she would add in low tones that made one's blood run cold, "Men have been hung at the yardarm for singing that song. It was condemned throughout the Fleet."

Christy, as soon as he had become acquainted with the situation, had arranged his plan of action, and the new officers of the Bronx were likely to encounter a mutiny, either to inaugurate or end their sway.

He was a great disciplinarian so great, indeed, I remember to have heard, as to cause more than one mutiny and my father being a German, and coming from a people that carried military subordination to extremes, it is highly probable I was indebted, for this compliment, to a similarity of tastes between the two.

And a few pages farther on occurs the following striking passage: "The ablest and most experienced civil and military servants of the East India Company consider mutiny as one of the greatest, if not the greatest danger threatening India, a danger also that may come unexpectedly, and, if the first symptoms be not carefully treated, with a power to shake Leadenhall."

And this, too, had arisen in many cases through injustice in the courts and corruption of the judges. In the time of Solon the misery and oppression from these laws became so great that there was a general mutiny of the poor against the rich.

'Murder me, and you will be hanged; persist in your mutiny, you'll be drowned, said Walsingham. 'You'll never make me swerve from my duty and you know it you have my answer. The enraged sailors seized him in their arms, and carried him by force upon deck, where the sight of the danger, and the cries of 'Throw him overboard! over with him! only seemed to fortify his resolution.

Taking a leg each we pushed him through. We heard him plump into the sea. "Tompkins was easy," said Captain Bilge. "Excuse me as I enter his death in the log." "Yes," he continued presently, "it will be a great help if they mutiny. I suppose they will, sooner or later. It's customary to do so. But I shall take no step to precipitate it until we have first fallen in with pirates.