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The shops were doing a rushing business, and so, Gwynne inferred, were the banks. As for the saloons, their doors swung with mechanical precision. Most of the farmers wore linen dusters and broad straw hats, but their women had put on all their finery. The girls of the town could be readily distinguished by their crisp muslins and white hats and absence of dust.

Who should reconcile these incongruous elements bronzes, bonnets, ribbons and flowers, plaster casts, books, muslins and laces elements as irreconcilable as fate and freedom; who should harmonize them? And I so tired! "Ah," said Jladame B., "it is all quite easy; you must have a packer." "A packer?" "Yes. He will come, look at your things, provide whatever may be necessary, and pack them all."

"This afternoon the dresses came home, and they do look beautifully, while every one has belt, and gloves, and ribbons, and sashes, and laces or muslins to match fashionable people are so particular about these things. I have tried them on, and except that I think them too tight, they fit admirably, and do give me a different air from what Miss Hazelton's did.

But what made it hardest of all was a word of Margray's one day as I sat over at her house hushing the little Graeme, who was sore vexed with the rash, and his mother was busy plaiting ribbons and muslins for Effie, Effie, who seemed all at once to be blossoming out of her slight girlhood into the perfect rose of the woman that Mary Strathsay was already, and about her nothing lingering rathe or raw, but everywhere a sweet and ripe maturity.

Spenser, in a tone of indignant intelligence "what should he say! He didn't say anything; only asked where she was, I believe." In the midst of silks, muslins, and jewels, Mr. Carleton found Fleda still, on his return; looking pale, and even sad, though nobody but himself, through her gentle and grateful bearing, would have discerned it.

When I suggested that these charming beings in white muslins and summer silks might be here in that way, she did not think it at all probable. "How can you tell?" I asked. "They look just as nice as we do." Indeed, I thought some of them looked nicer, but I've been much too well brought up to make such remarks as that. "I can tell, because I don't know their Faces," said Mrs.

"Who ever heard of a girl of twenty-four having no black silk! You have slimsy muslins, I dare say?" "Yes." "And you like them?" "For present wear." That afternoon she sent Mrs. Roll out, who returned with a splendid heavy silk for me, which Aunt Eliza said should be made before Saturday, and it was.

Each of these kingdoms has products to export, and is all ready to trade with the others, if only some one will supply the means; just as the Frenchmen might stand on their shores, and hold out to us wines and prunes and silks and muslins, and we might stand on our shores, and hold out gold and silver to them, and yet could make no exchange, because there were no ships to carry the goods across.

Couples and groups, in the lightest of muslins and flannels, sauntered idly in the scented shadow of the pines; or lounged, smoking and talking, on the warm green earth. The appeal of the whole was to a spirit of enjoyment pure and simple, to the casting aside of care and thought; a passing respite from the shadow of the future: and Quita's native zest for happiness urged her to instant response.

As every pilgrimage implies the sale of relics, Herdouar was the centre of an important market, where horses, camels, antimony, asafoetida, dried fruits, shawls, arrows, muslins, cotton and woollen goods from the Punjab, Cabulistan, and Cashmere, were to be had. Slaves, too, were to be bought there from three to thirty years of age, at prices varying from 10 to 150 rupees.