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But the great glacial cap is slowly receding and ages hence more ground will be laid bare. The present inhabitants number about ten thousand, most of whom are Eskimos. They are lacking in thrift and live chiefly by hunting and fishing. Among the wild animals living here are the arctic fox, the arctic hare, the musk ox, the seal, the polar bear, the ermine, and the walrus.

And she sobbed out wailful verses and words, broken and without a meaning; but Noorna caught her by the arm and swung her, and bade her fetch on the instant a robe of blue, and pile in her chamber robes of amber and saffron and grey, bridal-robes of many-lighted silks, plum-coloured, peach-coloured, of the colour of musk mixed with pale gold, together with bridal ornaments and veils of the bride, and a jewelled circlet for the brow.

"Not such a dreadful sight, but I guess these girls do. Come, girls, play us a jig, won't you?" "Go, Cad, it won't hurt you," whispered John, but Carrie was immovable, and at last, Anna, who entered more into her brother's spirit, took her seat at the instrument, asking what he would have. "Oh, give us 'Money Musk, 'Hail Columby, 'Old Zip Coon, or anything to raise a feller's ideas."

If only ye exert the effort, it is certain that these splendours will shine out, these clouds of mercy will shed down their rain, these life-giving winds will rise and blow, this sweet-smelling musk will be scattered far and wide. O ye lovers of God! Do not dwell on what is coming to pass in this holy place, and be ye in no wise alarmed.

Now, within the common room of the Suffolk Arms Sir Crispin sat face to face with a very pretty fellow, all musk and ribbons, and surrounded by some half-dozen gentlemen on their way to London who had halted to rest at Stafford.

Grafters also were at work with their artificial mixtures, "dallying, as it were, with nature and her course, as if her whole trade were perfectly known unto them: of hard fruits they will make soft, of sour sweet, of sweet yet more delicate; bereaving also some of their kernels, others of their cores, and finally endowing them with the flavor of musk, amber, or sweet spices at their pleasure."

But rather wonder at her face, wherein all beauty is: There is no particle of grace that it doth not contain. The Sultan shook with delight and said to him, "More! God bless thy life!" So he repeated the following: O thou, the moles upon whose cheek recall Globules of musk upon cornelian strewed, Grant me thy favours, be not hard of heart, O thou, my heart's desire, my spirit's food!

This is quite unlike the Chinese, Koreans, Manchus, Malays, and other Orientals with whom I have hunted, for they all have developed ingenious snares, pitfalls and traps. The musk sac is present only in the male deer and is, of course, for the purpose of attracting the does.

During the chit-chat, after the cloth was removed, a letter was handed to Burr, next to whom I sat. I immediately smelt musk.

In this house, when every chink is thus closed, a strange odor mingles with the musk and the lotus, an odor essential to Japan, to the yellow race, belonging to the soil or emanating from the venerable woodwork; almost an odor of wild beast. The mosquito curtain of dark blue gauze ready hung for the night, falls from the ceiling with the air of a mysterious velum.